
GUI viewer/editor for ELF files

Primary LanguageC++

ELF Scout

Simple application for viewing and simple editing ELF files. This application depends on my library LibElf

Getting started

Clone LibElf and ElfScout

git clone https://github.com/hladik-dan/LibElf.git
git clone https://github.com/hladik-dan/ElfScout.git

Compile [LibElf](https://github.com/hladik-dan/LibElf/) and [ElfScout](https://github.com/hladik-dan/ElfScout/) ``` cd LibElf && qmake CONFIG+=Release && make && cd .. cd ElfScout && qmake CONFIG+=Release && make && cd .. ```
Run ELF Scout ``` ./ElfScout/bin/release/ELF_Scout ``` ----------
