Starter-kit for recruitment tasks Uses webpack for asset management. Javascript compilation is configured for React and vanilla javascript for styles you can use css, scss or sass. Static files are served from public
folder. For html needs make your changes in src/template.html
NOTE: Usage of fontawesome icons is only allowed within this reposotory as maintainer has pro-subscription. Copying content to be used elsewhere is strictly forbidden!
Pre-configured scripts to work with project. Nothing special needed here. Should work with LTS node verion (currently v14.17.1).
Script | Description |
npm install |
Installs all project dependencies |
npm start |
Starts webpack with dev-server configuration to http://localhost:9000 |
npm test |
Runs jest, should reach all *.test.js files |
npm build |
Creates production build with webpack with src/main.js as entrypoint |
Task can be completed either with react or vanilla js. For react implementations start your code from the src/ReactApp
-folder. Vanilla js solution can start from src/main.js
Your task is to create simple todo list app.
- Fetch data from our mock API
- Render it into a list with two(2) sections: "pending" and "done".
- Add functionality to mark task as done. Marking task as done/undone should re-locate to corresponding section.
- Style the list according the designs below
NOTE: Incase you want to display loader (you really should) use, with react change class
-> className
<i class="fad fa-spinner-third fa-spin fa-fw"></i>
End result should look somehting like this. Theme is presetted in main.css
Below is documentation for our Promise -based mock API. All reponses have Content-Type: application/json
Create new instance of mock API:
import MockAPI from './MockAPI'
const api = new MockAPI();
NOTE: Api usage examples expect that you have initialized api as above
Each item from todo API has following schema
ToDoItem {
task: String
icon: String
description: String
id: Number
done: Boolean
Returns a Response
object similar to fetch
Response {
body: ReadableStream
status: Number,
statusText: String,
headers: Headers
Extract data from reponse with body.json()
const response = await api.getTodos();
const todos = await response.json();