
Scripts for MNT Reform FreeBSD enablement work

Primary LanguageShell

MNT Reform FreeBSD Enablement Project

This is a project to port FreeBSD to the MNT Reform laptop.

This repository contains scripts useful to the development process.

To build,

  • git clone git://git.freebsd.org/src.git src
  • mkdir -p obj nfsroot/tree (nfsroot may be on NFS if you wish)
  • Place imx8mq-mnt-reform2.dtb and flash.bin (MNT Reform U-Boot) in nfsroot/.
  • ./do_buildworld
  • ./do_buildkernel
  • To create a FreeBSD tree under nfsroot/tree, run:
    • ./do_installworld
    • ./do_installdistribution
    • ./do_installkernel
  • To create an image which can be flashed to an SD card, including U-boot, run ./mkimg. This will create an image at nfsroot/target.img. If the image already exists, it will only have a limited number of files updated (currently the bootloader), so delete the file before running ./mkimg if you want userspace updated.