
Sample Node.js app that shows how to use the Speech to Text and AlchemyLanguage to analyse YouTube videos

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Audio Analysis

This application is an Application Starter Kit (ASK) that is designed to get you up and running quickly with a common industry pattern, and to provide information about best practices around Watson services. The Audio Analysis application was created to highlight the combination of the Speech to Text (STT) and AlchemyLanguage services as an Audio Analysis tool. This application can serve as the basis for your own applications that follow that pattern.


Give it a try! Click the button below to fork the repository that contains the source code for this application into IBM DevOps Services, which then deploys your own copy of this application on Bluemix automatically:

Deploy to Bluemix

You can see a version of this app that is already running by clicking here.

Note: This sample application only works on desktop computer systems, and then only in the Firefox and Chrome web browsers.

Table of Contents

How this app works

The Audio Analysis application extracts concepts from YouTube videos.

To begin, select or specify a YouTube video. As the video streams, the Speech to Text service transcribes its audio track. That text is then piped to the AlchemyLanguage service for analysis, it extracts concepts from the trascription with an associated score

Getting started

The following instructions explain how to deploy this sample to Bluemix using the cf command-line interface (CLI) for Cloud Foundry. If you want to run the application locally, see the next section, Running the application locally:

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Clone the fork into your computer.
  3. Sign up in Bluemix or use an existing account.
  4. If it is not already installed on your system, download and install the Cloud-foundry CLI tool.
  5. Edit the manifest.yml file in the folder that contains your fork and replace audio-analysis-starter-kit with a unique name for your application. The name that you specify determines the application's URL, such as application-name.mybluemix.net. The relevant portion of the manifest.yml file looks like the following:
- services:
  - speech-to-text-service
  name: application-name
  command: npm start
  path: .
  memory: 512M
  1. Connect to Bluemix by running the following commands in a terminal window:
cf api https://api.ng.bluemix.net
cf login -u <your-Bluemix-ID> -p <your-Bluemix-password>
  1. Create an instance of the Speech to Text in Bluemix by running the following command:
cf create-service speech_to_text standard speech-to-text-service
  1. Create the AlchemyLanguage service:
cf create-service alchemy_api free alchemy-language-service
  1. Push the updated application live by running the following command:
cf push

See the User interface in this sample application section for information about modifying the existing user interface to support other video sources.

Running the application locally

First, make sure that you followed steps 1 through 9 in the previous section and that you are still logged in to Bluemix. Next:

  1. Create a .env file in the root directory of the project with the following content:
  1. Copy the username, password credentials from your speech-to-text-service and the api key from alchemylanguage-service services in Bluemix to the previous file. To see the service credentials, run the following command, replacing <application-name> with the name of the application that you specified in your manifest.yml file:
cf env <application-name>

Your output should contain a section like the following:

  "speech_to_text": [{
    "credentials": {
      "url": "<url>",
      "password": "<password>",
      "username": "<username>"
    "label": "speech-to-text",
    "name": "speech-to-text-service",
    "plan": "standard"
  1. Install any dependencies that a local version of your application requires:
npm install
  1. Start the application by running:
$ node app.js
  1. Open http://localhost:3000 to see the running application.

About the Audio Analysis pattern

First, make sure you read the Reference Information to understand the services that are involved in this pattern.

Using the Speech To Text and the AlchemyLanguage services

When a quality audio signal contains terms found in the current source of concepts in AlchemyLanguage, the combination of Speech To Text and AlchemyLanguage can be used to analyze the audio source to build summaries, indices, and to provide recommendations for additional related content. Though the Speech-To-Text service supports several languages, the AlchemyLanguage service currently only supports English.

The Audio Analysis app uses the node.js Speech-To-Text JavaScript SDK, which is a client-side library for audio transcriptions from the Speech To Text service. It also uses the concepts feature from AlchemyLanguage to extract concepts.

When to use this pattern

  • You need to analyze or index content contained within speech.
  • You want to make content recommendations based on speech.

Best practices

  • The quality of the audio source determines the quality of the transcript, which affects the quality of extracted concepts and recommendations.
  • The quality and confidence of the extracted concepts increases with the amount of transcribed text.

Reference information

The following links provide more information about the AlchemyLanguage and Speech to Text services, including tutorials on using those services:


Speech To Text

User interface in this sample application

The user interface that this sample application provides is intended as an example, and is not proposed as the user interface for your applications. However, if you want to use this user interface, you will want to modify the following files:

  • src/views/index.ejs - Lists the YouTube videos and footer values that are shown on the demo application's landing page. These items are defined using string values that are set in the CSS for the application.
  • src/views/videoplay.js - Maps YouTube video URLs to API calls and initiates streaming. You will want to expand or modify this if you want to use another video source or player.
  • src/index.sj - Supports multiple types of YouTube URLs. You will want to expand or modify this if you want to use another video source or player.


When troubleshooting your Bluemix app, the most useful source of information is the execution logs. To see them, run:

$ cf logs <application-name> --recent

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This sample code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. Full license text is available in LICENSE.
