The Final Word
Have the final word in a comment thread by marking a chosen comment as the 'top comment'.
Functionality includes
- Marking a chosen comment as the 'top comment'
- The top comment is displayed at the top of the comment list with a 'view in context' anchor link
- The top comment is also highlighted in context in the thread
- Only one comment can be selected as the top comment
- The top comment flag can be removed
- Only users who are able to edit the post can select a top comment
- Includes basic styling for top comments
- 'Top comment' label can be translated and/or filtered
Future functionality
- Option to hide all other comments when selecting a top commemt
- Option to close post coomments when selecting a top comment
- Highlight top comment on
- Display top comment on post edit screen
- Add/remove top comments from wp-admin
- This plugin is built for and requires O2 to be installed.