
Dynamically populate multi-select?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I am not even sure if this is going to be possible, but I would like to dynamically populate a multi select option. The get_race_simple function create a multi-dimensional array which shows up fine in the admin panel, but it wont save anything I select.

            'title'					=> __( 'Map Settings', 'bpc-elections' ),
            'description'			=> __( '<p></p>', 'bpc-elections' ),
            'fields'				=> array(
                    'id' 			=> 'racemap_selections',
                    'label'			=> __( 'Map Topper', 'bpc-elections' ),
                    'description'	=> __( 'Choose which question are available in the race map.', 'bpc-elections' ),
                    'type'			=> 'checkbox_multi',
                    'options'		=> get_races_simple(),

Hmmmm interesting. I will try and take a look at this over the weekend.