A robust code template for creating a standards-compliant WordPress plugin.
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 1
Register Setting validation not working.
#100 opened by devanddhiraj - 3
- 0
- 0
Validation callback example
#99 opened by txemaquintero - 0
#97 opened - 1
Custom Post Type $args, Taxonomy $args
#98 opened - 2
Wordpress guidelines compliance issues
#91 opened by alantygel - 13
Test develop branch
#90 opened by jonathanbossenger - 1
Doesn't install in given directory
#28 opened by Vitzkrieg - 1
Dynamically populate multi-select?
#88 opened by rpelletierrefocus - 1
Fatal Error: Cannot access private property $admin in class-wordpress-plugin-template-settings.php on line 367
#80 opened by seezee - 1
Options prefix should be set at install script
#85 opened by alantygel - 5
- 2
- 2
- 3
Sanitize tabs
#81 opened by seezee - 5
WP CS compliant and Travis integration
#56 opened by carl-alberto - 0
Implement namespaces and autoloading
#79 opened by jonathanbossenger - 1
- 2
Installer error: "fatal: Too many arguments."
#77 opened by seezee - 3
Hook html content in frontend & backend footer
#48 opened by rafasashi - 2
proposal for a universal uninstall script to clean up after plugin is deleted
#72 opened by alekseyn1 - 2
checkbox default 'on' not working
#71 opened by alekseyn1 - 1
Label type setting
#67 opened by lightbyte - 1
Rewriting the CPT Permalink Slug?
#29 opened by tnog - 0
Quick Edit delete custom fields
#62 opened by Mikelinohc - 2
The select field option is not woking
#61 opened by aurthurm - 7
Build script fails
#21 opened by orweinberger - 1
- 0
Install function in register_activation_hook
#59 opened by rafasashi - 1
Default BASE Variable does not work?
#54 opened by andreaskviby - 1
Donation link is broken
#49 opened by phbernard - 1
- 0
Add REST API Support
#41 opened by misfist - 2
Call the options
#42 opened by advokatb - 1
Settings Image Won't Add
#40 opened by rizedr - 0
wp_localize_script no working.
#39 opened by Kivylius - 3
Add Plugin Template Loader
#26 opened by lucasstark - 0
updated_messages missing dollar sign
#38 opened by heddesheimer - 3
Settings array empty
#37 opened by nine-2-five - 2
Metabox example
#35 opened by geotonics - 0
- 0
Delete this.
#27 opened by qstyler - 1
Build script creates 2 directories
#25 opened by DanielFris - 0
- 0
Update the build script
#19 opened by fullbright - 3
#17 opened by yivi