
Command Query Separation for 🌐ASP.NET Core ⚡AWS Lambda ⚡Azure Functions ⚡Google Cloud Functions

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


build CodeFactor

CommandQuery CommandQuery.Abstractions CommandQuery.Client

CommandQuery.AspNetCore CommandQuery.AWSLambda CommandQuery.AzureFunctions CommandQuery.GoogleCloudFunctions CommandQuery.AspNet.WebApi



Command Query Separation (CQS) for .NET and C#

  • Build services that separate the responsibility of commands and queries
  • Focus on implementing the handlers for commands and queries
  • Create APIs with less boilerplate code

Available for:

🌐 ASP.NET Core
⚡ AWS Lambda
⚡ Azure Functions
⚡ Google Cloud Functions

Command Query Separation?

Queries: Return a result and do not change the observable state of the system (are free of side effects).

Commands: Change the state of a system but do not return a value.

Martin Fowler

In other words:

  • Commands
    • Writes (create, update, delete) data
  • Queries
    • Reads and returns data

The traditional approach that commands do not return a value is a bit inconvenient.

CommandQuery has a pragmatic take and supports both commands with and without result 👍


CommandQuery ⚙️

NuGet NuGet

Command Query Separation for .NET

CommandQuery.AspNetCore 🌐

NuGet NuGet

Command Query Separation for ASP.NET Core


NuGet NuGet

Command Query Separation for AWS Lambda


NuGet NuGet

Command Query Separation for Azure Functions


NuGet NuGet

Command Query Separation for Google Cloud Functions

CommandQuery.Client 🧰

NuGet NuGet

Clients for CommandQuery APIs

CommandQuery.AspNet.WebApi 🌐

NuGet NuGet

Command Query Separation for ASP.NET Web API 2

⛔ This package is no longer maintained and new versions will not be published


⬆️ Upgrading from version 1.0.0 to 2.0.0

Upgrade command/query handlers:

  • Upgrade the project target framework from net461 to netstandard2.0 or greater
  • Add a CancellationToken parameter to the HandleAsync methods in classes that implement ICommandHandler<TCommand>, ICommandHandler<TCommand, TResult> and IQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult>

Upgrade AspNet.WebApi:

  • Migrate from CommandQuery.AspNet.WebApi to CommandQuery.AspNetCore

Upgrade AspNetCore:

  • Consider to upgrade the project target framework to netcoreapp3.1 or net5.0
  • Consider to use the extension methods AddCommandControllers and AddQueryControllers in Startup.cs

Upgrade AWSLambda:

  • Upgrade the project target framework to netcoreapp3.1
  • Change the method invocation on CommandFunction and QueryFunction from Handle to HandleAsync
  • Change the argument on HandleAsync methods from ILambdaContext to ILambdaLogger
  • Consider to use the extension methods AddCommandFunction and AddQueryFunction on IServiceCollection
  • Consider to use the JsonSerializerOptions constructor argument in CommandFunction and QueryFunction to configure JSON serialization/deserialization

Upgrade AzureFunctions:

  • Upgrade the project target framework to netcoreapp3.1 or net5.0
  • Change the method invocation on CommandFunction and QueryFunction from Handle to HandleAsync
  • Consider to use the extension methods AddCommandControllers and AddQueryControllers in Startup.cs/Program.cs
  • Consider to use the CancellationToken argument on HandleAsync methods in netcoreapp3.1 projects
  • Consider to use the JsonSerializerSettings/JsonSerializerOptions constructor argument in CommandFunction and QueryFunction to configure JSON serialization/deserialization

Upgrade Client:

  • Change the method invocation on CommandClient and QueryClient from Post to PostAsync and from Get to GetAsync
  • Consider to use the AddHttpClient extension method on IServiceCollection to create the CommandClient and QueryClient (see sample)
  • Consider to use the CancellationToken argument to methods in CommandClient and QueryClient


  • Consider to use the AssertConfigurationIsValid method on CommandProcessor and QueryProcessor to validate handler and type configuration


Inspired by Steven van Deursen blog posts: