Home automation system for controlling doors electronically and logging accesses.
Presence is a web application based on Django and tornado web server. Client applications can interact with Presence using websockets
Setup development environment
Install virtualenv. In debian derivates just run
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
Presence requires Python>=3.4. Create a python virtualenv inside project's directory specifying an appropriate version of python.
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.4 venv
Activate the virtualenv.
source venv/bin/activate
Install the required modules
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the unit tests
To check wether the development environment has been setup properly you should run the unit tests. Within the virtualenv run:
python test
Run the app
Within the virtualenv:
Create the db. Default is sqlite
python migrate
Create the directory for static files
python collectstatic
Create super user so you can login do Django admin
python createsuperuser
You are now able to run the app, the development server will listen at http://localhost:8000
Provides abstract interface and web handlers for doors control and logginghlcs
Implementation based on the hardware used at Hacklab Cosenza
Extend the gatecontrol.models.GateController
class in order to support your hardware and create the relative record in the database,
you can use the django shell:
python shell
>>> from gatecontrol.models import Gate
>>> Gate.objects.create(name='Test Gate', controller_class=<your-class-fullname>)
Presence API are exposed via Websocket, except the authentication process which is done via plain HTTP.
Connect to the socket endpoint /socket
The server accepts json messages of the form:
{"method": <string>, "args": <json-object>}
Currently supported methods are list_gates
, authenticate
and open
Requests the list of doors (gates), does not require authentication.
args: <empty>
type: "list_gates",
content: [
id : <numeric: id of the gate>,
name : <string: gate name>,
state : <string: current state of the gate>,
managed: <boolean: whether or not the user is able to open the gate>
args: token
(see below)
requests to open the door identified by gate_id
, may require authentication.
args: gate_id
{type: "open", content: "success"}
if success, otherwise
{type: "error", content: <error message>}
Obtaining the token
In order to perform actions that require authentication (e.g. open a door) a user must first request a JWT access token by sending an HTTP POST request to the /token
Request format:
{"username": <username>, "password": <password>}
{"type": "token", "content": <the-token>}
The administration web interface is provided by django at the endpoint /admin
Running in production
Same step as development, but you can skip the virtualenv and install the requirements system wide
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
If you are using the module hlcs
you need to setup presence on a RPi, as it uses the GPIO python library you may need to install it:
pip install -r requirements-rpi.txt
It is recommended to set up and HTTP server to proxy requests to presence and serve static files.
By default Django looks for static files under the HTTP path /static/
, so that path should be served by the server.
You can change location of static files and static URL by modifying the settings STATIC_ROOT and STATIC_URL.
The configuration file in presence/
As this file is under version control, the recommended way to customize application settings is by creating a file called
under the directory presence
In place the settings variable you want to override (e.g. DATABASES, SECRET_KEY).
It is important that you set DEBUG = False.
Check Django documentation for inscructions.
Serving static files
It is recommended that static files are served by an HTTP server (e.g. apache, nginx).
You can use the setting STATIC_ROOT to change the directory where static file are copied after running collectstatic
By default Django looks for static files under the HTTP path /static/
, you can change the HTTP path modifying the setting STATIC_URL.
You can setup the HTTP server to serve STATIC_URL directly and proxy every other URL.