
PHP library for managing Supervisor through XML-RPC API

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PHP library for managing Supervisor through XML-RPC API.


Via Composer

$ composer require supervisorphp/supervisor


use Supervisor\Supervisor;
use Supervisor\Connector\XmlRpc;
use fXmlRpc\Client;
use fXmlRpc\Transport\Guzzle4Bridge;

// Pass the url and the bridge to the XmlRpc Client
$client = new Client(
	new Guzzle4Bridge(new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['defaults' => ['auth' => ['user', '123']]]))

// Pass the client to the connector
// See the full list of connectors bellow
$connector = new XmlRpc($client);

$supervisor = new Supervisor($connector);

// returns Process object
$process = $supervisor->getProcess('test_process');

// returns array of process info

// same as $supervisor->stopProcess($process);

// Don't wait for process start, return immediately
$supervisor->startProcess($process, false);

// returns true if running
// same as $process->checkState(Process::RUNNING);

// returns process name
echo $process;

// returns process information

Currently available connectors:

Note: fXmlRpc can be used with several HTTP Clients. See the list on it's website. This is the reason why Client specific connectors has been removed.


As of version 3.0.0 setCredentials is no longer part of the Connector interface (meaning responsibility has been fully removed).You have to provide authentication data to the HTTP Client of your choice. (For example Guzzle supports it out-of-the-box) Also, Bridges implemented by fXmlRpc supports to set custom headers.

Exception handling

For each possible fault response there is an exception. These exceptions extend a common exception, so you are able to catch a specific fault or all. When an unknown fault is returned from the server, an instance if the common exception is thrown. The list of fault responses and the appropriate exception can be found in the class.

use Supervisor\Exception\Fault;
use Supervisor\Exception\Fault\BadName;

try {
} catch (BadName $e) {
	// handle bad name error here
} catch (Fault $e) {
	// handle any other errors here

For developers: Fault exceptions are automatically generated, there is no need to manually modify them.

Configuration and Event listening

Configuration and Event components have been moved into their own repository.

Further info

You can find the XML-RPC documentation here: http://supervisord.org/api.html


If you use PHP XML-RPC extension to parse responses (which is marked as EXPERIMENTAL). This can cause issues when you are trying to read/tail log of a PROCESS. Make sure you clean your log messages. The only information I found about this is a comment.

You will also have to make sure that you always call the functions with correct parameters. Zend connector will trigger an error when incorrect parameters are passed. See this issue for details. (Probably this won't change in near future based on my inspections of the code.) Other connectors will throw a Fault exception.


$ phpspec run

Functional tests (behat):

$ behat


There is a Vagrantfile provided in this repo which you can use to run functional tests without installing Supervisor on your local machine. It installs the latest version from PyPi, but the library itself is tested against 3.0, which is the lowest officially supported Supervisor version.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Deprecated libraries

While this tries to a be a complete Supervisor client, this isn't the first one. However some authors decided to deprecate their packages in favor of this:



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.