
easily add an off-canvas navigation to your angular app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

An off-canvas nav factory service for AngularJS that makes it easy to add off-canvas navs to your app. Plunker demo


bower install angular-off-canvas


  1. Include the off-canvas.js script provided by this component into your app.
  2. Optional: Include the off-canvas.css style provided by this component into your html.
  3. Add cn.offCanvas as a module dependency to your app.

Typical Use


angular.module('myApp', ['cn.offCanvas']).

// let's make a nav called `myOffCanvas`
factory('myOffCanvas', function (cnOffCanvas) {
  return cnOffCanvas({
    controller: 'MyOffCanvasCtrl',
    controllerAs: 'offCanvas',
    templateUrl: 'my-off-canvas.html'

// typically you'll inject the offCanvas service into its own
// controller so that the nav can toggle itself
controller('MyOffCanvasCtrl', function (myOffCanvas) {
  this.toggle = myOffCanvas.toggle;


<div class="off-canvas__nav">
  <h3>Hello {{name}}</h3>
  <p><a href ng-click="offCanvas.toggle()">Close Me</a></p>


<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="MyCtrl as ctrl">
  <a href ng-click="ctrl.toggle()">Show the modal</a>

Cleaning up

If you add any listeners within the nav's controller that are outside the nav's scope, you should remove them with $scope.$on('$destroy', fn () { ... }) to avoid creating a memory leak.

Inline Options

Note: The best practice is to use a separate file for the template and a separate declaration for the controller, but inlining these options might be more pragmatic for cases where the template or controller is just a couple lines.

angular.module('myApp', ['cn.offCanvas']).

// let's make a nav called myOffCanvas
factory('myOffCanvas', function (btfModal) {
  return btfModal({
    controller: function () {
      this.name = 'World';
    controllerAs: 'ctrl',
    template: '<div class="off-canvas__nav">Hello {{ctrl.name}}</div>'

controller('MyCtrl', function (myOffCanvas) {
  this.toggle = myOffCanvas.toggle;
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
  <a href ng-click="ctrl.toggle()">Toggle the nav</a>



The nav factory. Takes a configuration object as a parameter:

var navService = cnOffCanvas({
  /* options */

And returns a navService object that you can use to toggle the nav (described below).

The config object must either have a template or a templateUrl option.

These options work just like the route configuration in Angular's $routeProvider.


string: HTML string of the template to be used for this modal. Unless the template is very simple, you should probably use config.templateUrl instead.


string (recommended): URL to the HTML template to be used for this modal.


string|function (optional): The name of a controller or a controller function.


string (optional, recommended): Makes the controller available on the scope of the modal as the given name.


DOM Node (optional): DOM node to prepend. Defaults to document.body.


string (optional): HTML class to add to the container. Defaults to is-off-canvas-opened.


A navService has only one method: toggle which enable us to show/hide the nav.


Add or remove a class to open/hide the nav with CSS.


Please see the contributing guidelines


You can run the tests with karma:

karma start
