
Linux in Unikernel Clothing

Primary LanguageShell

Lupine: Linux in Unikernel Clothes


author = {Kuo, Hsuan-Chi and Williams, Dan and Koller, Ricardo and Mohan, Sibin},
  title = {A Linux in Unikernel Clothing},
  year = {2020},
  isbn = {9781450368827},
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3342195.3387526},
  doi = {10.1145/3342195.3387526},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifteenth European Conference on Computer Systems},
  articleno = {Article 11},
  numpages = {15},
  location = {Heraklion, Greece},
  series = {EuroSys ’20}

In this project, we manually configure the Linux kernel so that it becomes as small as 4+MB. We aim to show that it has the following unikernel properties

  • no mode switching (by KML)
  • specialization (by Kconfig)
  • size (by evaluation)
  • efficiency in terms of boot time and memory density (by evaluation)


  • a combination of existing Linux configuration specialization and KML for a first-step Linux unikernel
  • an evaluation of what unikernel properties are achieved
  • a discussion of common unikernel tradeoffs (e.g., no smp, no fork) and their impact
  • highlighting next steps for Linux specialization/ cross domain optimization


Clone project: git clone https://github.com/hckuo/Lupine-Linux.git

Update submodule: git submodule update --init


|-- build-kernels.sh (build all kernels for helloworld, redis and ngnix for all variants)
|-- firecrackerd.sh (wrapper firecracker daeomn)
|-- firecracker-run.sh (wrapper of firecrakcer client)
|-- image2rootfs.sh (create userspace root fs from docker image)
|-- firecracker-lz4bench-run.sh (runs lz4 bench as a firecracker microvm lupine+kml+mmio)
`-- run-helper.sh (shared variables and helper functions)

Theses scripts should be executed at the root directory.


  • don't rewrite Linux unikernel people!
  • know what unikernel benefits you really care about and what you give up to get them
  • future work should be on app manifests LTO, etc.

Going forward beyond unikernel restrictions

  • smp vs. non-smp
    • smp gives speed benefits, esp when CPU bound
    • may cause size overhead (different config)?
  • fork vs. non-fork
    • same as smp just may add context switches (show in microbenchmark)
  • (how many applications use fork?)
  • dynamic linking vs. static
  • with KML unikernel properties "gracefully degrade"