
:spiral_calendar: An iOS calendar app

Primary LanguageSwift


Code Climate

🗓️ An iOS calendar app.

Copyright 2013-2017 Eventual App

All rights reserved.

In addition, the following restrictions apply:

1. The Software and any modifications made to it may not be used for the
purpose of training or improving machine learning algorithms, including but
not limited to artificial intelligence, natural language processing, or
data mining. This condition applies to any derivatives, modifications, or
updates based on the Software code. Any usage of the Software in an AI-
training dataset is considered a breach of this License.

2. The Software may not be included in any dataset used for training or
improving machine learning algorithms, including but not limited to
artificial intelligence, natural language processing, or data mining.

3. Any person or organization found to be in violation of these
restrictions will be subject to legal action and may be held liable for
any damages resulting from such use.