
Developer Documentation at http://dev.dbpedia.org

Primary LanguageCSS


Developer Documentation at http://dev.dbpedia.org


apt-get install jekyll curl crontab


git clone https://github.com/dbpedia/dev.dbpedia.org.git
cd dev.dbpedia.org && ./generate-markdown.sh

# -H for external access 
jekyll serve -H -P 4444

It is also possible to serve only the generated _site/ folder as html.


To generate a new page, the readme-list.csv contains entries with the attributes: "headline", link to the "external repo", the "direct link to the external markdown file", and if it should be a subsection of a "parent menu entry".

To add static content add/edit files in the markdown folder and then include it as the same way as the external markdowns in the readme-list.tsv.


Configured in _includes/sidebar.html. Sorted alphabetically with the following code

{% assign pages_list = site.pages | sort:"title" %}

Automatic Update

To update external markdown every hour, add following entry to your crontab.

crontab -l > tmpcron
# skip first line if crontab is empty.
# enter dev.dbpedia.org repo folder.
echo "*/10 * * * * /bin/sh -c 'cd `pwd` && /usr/bin/git pull -q origin master && ./generate-markdown.sh'" >> tmpcron
crontab tmpcron && rm tmpcron

Docker w/o cronjob

Docker can be used to deploy the jekyll webserver. Beware it does not support cronjobs for now.

docker build -t dev.dbpedia.org .
# run on host port 4000 with live rendering of changes in contents and markdown folder
docker run -p 4000:80 -v "$(pwd)":/root dev.dbpedia.org