
A port of ac-source-dictionary to company-mode, plus annotation and documentation support.

Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT


Company Dictionary

This simple company backend emulates ac-source-dictionary and vim's dictionary omnicompletion (C-x C-k). It's much like company-keywords, but with lazy-loaded dictionary files, and support for annotations and documentation.

  • It is meant as an alternative to company-keywords.
  • A dictionary is a plaintext file named after the major-mode in which it should be active.
  • The dictionary file all applies to all modes.
  • This file is a newline-delimited list of keywords.
  • Each keyword is tab-delimited in the following format: [keyword] [[annotation] [documentation]]
    • e.g. os.path.basename [function] Return the base name of pathname path
    • Screenshot
    • NOTE: the parser squashes multiple tab characters, so use as many tabs as you'd like to organize your dictionary files.


M-x package-install RET company-dict


(require 'company-dict)

;; Where to look for dictionary files. Default is ~/.emacs.d/dict
(setq company-dict-dir (concat user-emacs-directory "dict/"))

;; Optional: if you want it available everywhere
(add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-dict)

;; Optional: evil-mode users may prefer binding this to C-x C-k for vim
;; omni-completion-like dictionary completion
(define-key evil-insert-state-map (kbd "C-x C-k") 'company-dict)

Add minor mode symbols to company-dict-minor-mode-list to make company-dict aware of minor mode dictionaries.

Yasnippet integration

company-dict autocompletions are automatically expanded like they're yasnippet snippets if yasnippet is installed and yas-minor-mode is enabled in the current buffer.

Yasnippet is not a dependency of company-dict, so you must install and enable it yourself. Which can be done through MELPA: M-x package-install RET yasnippet

To disable this behavior, set company-dict-enable-yasnippet to nil


  • company-dict-minor-mode-alist
  • company-dict-dir
  • company-dict-minor-mode-alist
  • company-dict-enable-fuzzy
  • company-dict-enable-yasnippet