
How can I load two minor-mode-list correctly at the same time?

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Based on different content, I organized two dict files for one major-mode. I want to enable them as two minor-modes at the same time, but company-dict-minor-mode-list is okay to load any of them every time, if I (setq company-dict-minor-mode-list '(minor-one-mode minor-two-mode)), it will report an error:

Company: An error occurred in auto-begin
Company: backend (company-dict :with company-yasnippet) error "List contains a loop: (#("TEST1" 0 7 (:meta nil :note nil)))" with args (require-match)
Company: An error occurred in auto-begin
List contains a loop: (#("test2" 0 8 (:meta nil :note nil)). #0)

In this code, TEST1 and test2 are the first lines of the two dict files.

How to solve it? Thx!