
Primary LanguageJava


Easily distribute data over your Android application. Alternative for SQLite database.

This library is inspired with SugarORM library.

How it works

Library serialize your data and store it in JSON format. You can store your data in

  • Text file
  • Shared Preferences
  • Assets (only for read)



You can get library from jitpack.io repository. Add this lines to your project's build.gradle file:

repositories {
    maven {
        url "https://jitpack.io"

and this lines to your app's build.gradle

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.hljubic:jsonorm:1.0.2'


First step is to initialize JsonOrm class (it's required only once)


In second step, we will create a class that will represent our objects that we will save in the file users.json

public class User extends JsonTable<User> {
    private String username;
    private String password;

    public User() {
      // Empty constructor is required

    public User(String username, String password) {
        this.username = username;
        this.password = password;

NOTE: @InFile annotation is not required, if you don't annotate class your data will be stored in Shared Preferences by default. If you want to read some predefined data from assets folder you should replace it with InAssets annotation.

public class User extends JsonTable<User> {

    Attributes must be as same as they are represented in file
    You can use @Serialize annotation which is used in Gson library


You are ready to perform CRUD operations on your model.

Save data

User user = new User("john", "john123");

Every CRUD operation has it's own async version. So, if you don't want to block UI thread, you can do something like this:


If you need callback, you can pass OnResponseListener object to saveAsync method

user.saveAsync(new JsonTable.OnResponseListener<User>() {
    public void onComplete() {
      // Your user object is stored

NOTE: If your file is stored in assets, you can't save data, only reading is allowed.


User user = User.findById(User.class, "userId");

If you don't manually define it, ID will be generated randomly.


To get all data from storage, you can call listAll method.

List<User> users = User.listAll(User.class);

// Or async version
User.listAllAsync(User.class, new JsonTable.OnListResponseListener<User>() {
    public void onComplete(List<User> users) {
        for (User user : users) {
            Log.i("TAG", user.getUsername());


Delete is also common operation, but it can't be used with @InAssets annotation.

User.findById(User.class, "userId").delete();


Excellent! You have made your first app that uses JsonORM library.