(严重参考了https://github.com/liushuaikobe 的代码,致谢)

Compilation course labwork 2
A VS2010 project
Firstly, open a C style code file to analysis, clike the first item in Tools menu to get the token list.
Secondly, click the second item in Tools menu to generate prediction table from grammar file which should be stored in the same dictionary with the executive file. The form won't response to any event during the process because I'm too cool to program in multi-thread, deal with it.
Finally, click the third item to start LL(1) analysis, still won't response, I'm lazzzzzy as duck.
Shout out to https://github.com/liushuaikobe for his great work which I refers to a lot, like a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot.(I owe you a beer, bro.)