
Record botocore calls dynamically for auditing

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Record botocore calls dynamically for auditing. This can be useful to see all AWS calls made from your app and also create tighter IAM policies.

DISCLAIMER: This library is an ongoing experiment.

Use cases

Test Suites

Inject botocore_tracer.install() into test suites to audit AWS calls and gain confidence on what's necessary for a production enviroment. This works well if you have an extensive test suite, but you'll have to filter out some noise (setup/teardown might make extra AWS calls).

Development/Staging Environments

  • Inject botocore_tracer.install() into your development/staging environments and record AWS calls over time, then analyze the botocore_tracer--XXX.json files.

Examples using boto3

The following example uses moto to avoid creating resources in a real AWS account, but botocore_tracer works without moto.

import botocore_tracer
import boto3
import moto


with moto.mock_s3():
    s3 = boto3.client('s3', 'us-east-1')

with moto.mock_ec2():
    ec2 = boto3.client('ec2', 'us-west-2')
    ec2.run_instances(ImageId='ami-123', MinCount=1, MaxCount=2)

Output of PYTHONPATH=. python examples/boto3calls.py:

  "_run_id": "1523e67f-16e0-4b2a-9897-678b9d601f6b",
  "_datetime": "2020-06-09T22:47:20",
  "output": {
    "examples/boto3calls.py:10": [
    "examples/boto3calls.py:11": [
    "examples/boto3calls.py:15": [