
Cucumber-like BDD tool built on top of Pyhistorian

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


PyCukes is a Cucumber-like BDD tool built on top of Pyhistorian. PyCukes was created to fill the gap pyhistorian left, so with it is possible to talk to your stakeholders first with text files, instead of simple understendable python files like Pyhistorian.


First, make sure you have installed story_runner, pyhistorian and pycukes. By default, if you just call pycukes from your command line into some dir, it will look for a stories dir (expecting your stories files are there) and then look for a step_definitions dir (expecting your step definitions are there). Each story file by convention ends with .story, like calculator.story and each step definition should end with steps.py, like calculator_steps.py.

So, lets say you have the directory tree:

|-- calculator
   `-- stories
       |-- calculator.story
       `-- step_definitions
           `-- calculator_steps.py

To run your stories, you can simple call:

$ pycukes

Or if you can specify exactly what stories run:

$ pycukes stories/calculator.story


-s or --stories-dir  --  specify your stories directory
-t or --steps-dir  --  specify your step definitions directory
-n or --no-colors  --  tells pycukes not to show colored output
-c or --colored (default) -- tells pycukes to show colored output
-l or --language (en-us by default) -- specify your story language [en-us and pt-br are supported]

Real Example

Directory tree:

hugo@hugo-laptop:~/app$ tree
`-- stories
    |-- bowling_game.story
    `-- step_definitions
        `-- bowling_game_steps.py

Content of bowling_game.story file:

hugo@hugo-laptop:~/app$ cat stories/bowling_game.story
Story: Bowling Game
  As a bowling player
  I want to play bowling online
  So that I can play with everyone in the world

    Scenario 1: Gutter Game
      Given I am playing a bowling game
      When I hit no pins
      Then I have 0 points

Content of bowling_game_steps.py:

hugo@hugo-laptop:~/app$ cat stories/step_definitions/bowling_game_steps.py
from pycukes import *

class BowlingGame(object):
    score = 1
    def hit(self, pins):

@Given('I am playing a bowling game')
def start_game(context):
    context._bowling_game = BowlingGame()

@When('I hit no pins')
def hit_no_pins(context):

@Then('I have 0 points')
def i_have_zero_points(context):
    assert context._bowling_game.score == 0


hugo@hugo-laptop:~/app$ pycukes stories/bowling_game.story
Story: Bowling Game
  As a bowling player
  I want to play bowling online
  So that I can play with everyone in the world

  Scenario 1: Gutter Game
    Given I am playing a bowling game   ... OK
    When I hit no pins   ... OK
    Then I have 0 points   ... FAIL

    File "stories/step_definitions/bowling_game_steps.py", line 19, in i_have_zero_points
      assert context._bowling_game.score == 0

  Ran 1 scenario with 1 failure, 0 errors and 0 pending steps