Named Entity Recognition for Chinese social media (Weibo). From EMNLP 2015 paper.
- 1
data problem
#19 opened by XTWLP - 0
- 0
#17 opened by maybefeicun - 4
annotation inconformity problems
#16 opened by alexnotes - 1
A mislabeled data in weiboNER_2nd_conll.train
#15 opened by wfyhehe - 2
What does the geo-political entity mean?
#14 opened by Jingyilang - 1
raw Weibo data to train embedding
#13 opened by fred2008 - 1
NER tag types
#10 opened by jfrance1 - 1
Missing module neural_lib?
#11 opened by heshenghuan - 3
- 3
calculate problem
#7 opened by harryhaos - 2
problem using new data
#6 opened by harryhaos - 2
annotation problem
#5 opened by harryhaos - 0
- 3
data annotation issue
#2 opened by jellchou - 1