This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

For production mode

yarn build

serve -s build


yarn test

  • Frontend Library -> Semantic UI React
  • Graph Library -> Recharts

If you have millions of viewers and interacting clients instead of hundreds what should you think to enable the continuous service in the above interface.

  • Every successful company will meet with this problem one day.


  • Bad answer: more hardware

  • Bad answer: more database

  • Bad answer: micro optimization

  • Good answer: software

  • Better answer: Right software with cloud, macro optimization, caching

Let's look at the companies that have solved this problem before us.

  • Google: Bigtable

  • Amazon: DynamoDb, Redshift

  • Netflix: Amazon (CloudSearch, DynamoDB, RDS, Web Services, EC2, Route 53), Apache (Cassandra, Groovy, Kafka, Solr, Lambda, Mesos)

  • If a request can be answered without going to the database, do this. Use memcached or redis. Databases are always the biggest problem.

  • If the problem is the processor, not the disk, switch to a compilable language. Go, Rust modern and new technologies are just about to pass by now. Not the whole system. The bottleneck must be detected and moved to a high-performance language.

  • JS, CSS, Images send them all to CDN servers.

  • Headers save lifes. For a correct cache, make sure that Expires, Cache-Control, ETag, Last-Modified are set correctly.

  • Always do pagination.

Not this:
Or do this:
  • If you do not really need synchronous processing, use non-synchronous processing (Nodejs, Golang, Erlang)
  • Use non-blocking operation. (Vert.x)
  • If you are using an Apache server, get rid of it. One of the most successful programs written is NGINX. Use it.