DaaS in Fog Computing

This repository contains the information, resources and results of the experiments run for the paper 'Efficient Data as a Service in Fog Computing: an Adaptive Multi-agent Based Approach' by Giulia Mangiaracina, Pierluigi Plebani, Mattia Salnitri, Monica Vitali. The paper and the experiments were developed at the Department of Electronics, Information, and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano.

The repository contains the resources for executing the experiment in the folder 'Test source' while the results of the experiment are in 'Test results'.

Test source contains:

  • Code: scripts and files to run the simulation of a Fog environment and execute the tests
  • Resources: files needed to feed the tests
  • requirements.xlsx: specifies the requirements of each spark node (called DAA in the paper). Each box specifies the thresholds of each metric, in the bottom part of every box the metric considered are specfied.
  • incremental test: contains the configuration randomly generated for the incremental test
  • stress test: contains the configuration randomly generated for the stress test

Test results contains:

  • results.xlsx: contains all raw and aggregated results presented in teh paper.

The next part of this file details how to executereproduce the experiments. The following variables are used:

  • <username> Username of a power user (admin) of the virtual machine
  • <password> Password of a power user (admin) of the virtual machine
  • <IP_VM1> ip address of Virtual machine 1
  • <IP_VM2> ip address of Virtual machine 2
  • <scriptHome> path to the folder where the scripts are stored. If the virtual machine provided in this repository are used, then the value of this variable is /home/salnitri.
  • <simulationHome> path to the folder where the simulation files are stored. If the virtual machine provided in this repository are used, then the value of this variable is /home/mangiaracina.

Run Virtual Machines:

Download the images of the two virtual machines from this link, and deply them.

To set-up the virtual machines:

  • uncompress the files used for the simulation of the Fog envirobnment, contained this folder respecively on VM1 and 2.
  • uncompress the script files for the test, contained this folder respecively on VM1 and 2.
  • update the path of the scripts below

The values of variables to be used are

  • <username>: salnitri
  • <password>: salnitri123
  • <scriptHome>: /home/salnitri/tests
  • <simulationHome>: /home/mangiaracina

Alternatively you can create two virtual machines:

  • recomended resources: 20 cores, 32 GB of memoroy, 50 GB hd
  • operative system: Linux version 5.4.0-81-generic (buildd@lgw01-amd64-052) (gcc version 9.3.0 (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04))
  • installed software: Python 3.8.10, Docker version 20.10.7, build 20.10.7-0ubuntu1~20.04.1

more information on the software used for the experiment, please refer to this repository and documentation.

Start base services:


  1. connect via ssh to VM2 to add the host key
  2. Start containers: Login as root in VM1
    1. cd <simulationHome>/prova/VM1/db
    2. sudo docker-compose up &
  3. Check the service are up and running: open a shell in you local pc
    1. ssh <username>@<IP_VM1> -L 9000:<IP_VM1>:9000
    2. insert the <password> of the specified username
  4. Open your local browser and go to http://localhost:9000/
    1. login in minio using access key: 'minio', token: 'minio123'
    2. create a new bucket ( button 'create bucket' on the left lower corner)
    3. name of the bucket 'miniobucket'
    4. upload this file
    5. close the shell ONLY when the upload is finished
  5. Open your local browser and go to http://<IP_VM1>:8080/
    1. login with the following authentication details
      • system = MySql
      • server = mysql-development
      • username = root
      • password = helloworld
      • database = db
    2. if the database is not empty, drop it.
    3. import the database contained in this file


  1. Login as root in VM2
    1. cd <simulationHome>/prova/VM2/db
    2. sudo docker-compose up &
  2. Check the service are up and running: open a shell in you local pc
    1. ssh <username>@<IP_VM2> -L 9001:<IP_VM2>:9000
  3. Open your local browser and go to http://localhost:9001/
    1. login in minio using access key: 'minio', token: 'minio123'
    2. create a new bucket ( button 'create bucket' on the left lower corner)
    3. name of the bucket 'miniobucket'
    4. upload this file
    5. close the shell ONLY when the upload is finished

At this point the virtual machines are ready and configured and tests can be started.

Start tests:

There are two types of tests that can be executed:

  • stress tests
  • increment tests.

Start stress tests:

To start the stress test run the following command: nohup <scriptHome>/startBatchTest.sh > logBatch 2>&1 &

Start incremental tests:

nohup <scriptHome>/startBatchInjectionIncrementalTest.sh > logBatch 2>&1 &

Both commands will execute the tests and save the logs in the 'logBatch' file. the test may lasts for several days, depending on the amount of resources assigned to the virtual machine. With 20 cores, 32 GB of memoroy, 50 GB hd the tests run for 3 to 5 days.

Reproduce a previous experiment

To reproduce a previous experiment, the intial configuration need to be uploaded in the SQL database stored in VM1. This and this folders contain the initial configuration of the experiments whose results are shown in the paper mentioned at the beginning of this readme. The folders contains CSV files that contains the values of availability and latancy of eah configurations. To reprouce the experiment drop the old db and upload the desider one usign the following command in VM1:

  • mysql -h --port 3308 -u root -phelloworld -D db -N -e "DROP database db"
  • mysql -h --port 3308 -u root -phelloworld -e "create database db"
  • mysql -h --port 3308 -u root -phelloworld -D db < <path to desired dump>