MARTINI models for the inner membrane of Acinetobacter baumannii and associated RND transporters


Based on MS dataset of Jiang et al:

Jiang, J. H., Hassan, K. A., Begg, S. L., Rupasinghe, T. W. T., Naidu, V., Pederick, V. G., … Eijkelkamp, B. A. (2019). Identification of Novel Acinetobacter baumannii Host Fatty Acid Stress Adaptation Strategies. MBio, 10(1).

Three conditions examined

  1. No treatment (untreated)
  2. Treatment with arachidonic acid (AA)
  3. Treatment with docosahexanoic acid (DHA)

Membrane published as part of:


author = {MacDermott-Opeskin, Hugo I and Panizza, Alessandra and Eijkelkamp, Bart A and O'Mara, Megan L},
doi = {},
issn = {0005-2736},
journal = {Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes},
keywords = {Bacterial membranes,Coarse-graining,Membrane biophysical properties,Molecular dynamics,Polyunsaturated fatty acids},
pages = {183908},
title = {{Dynamics of the Acinetobacter baumannii inner membrane under exogenous polyunsaturated fatty acid stress}},
url = {},
year = {2022}

RND transporters

RND transporter work published as part of:

M. Zang, H. MacDermott-Opeskin, F.G. Adams, V. Naidu, J.K. Waters, A.B. Carey, A. Ashenden, K.T. McLean, E.B. Brazel, J.-H. Jiang, A. Panizza, C. Trappetti, J.C. Paton, A.Y. Peleg, I. Köper, I.T. Paulsen, K.A. Hassan, M.L. O’Mara, B.A. Eijkelkamp, The Membrane Composition Defines the Spatial Organization and Function of a Major Acinetobacter baumannii Drug Efflux System, MBio. (2021).


doi = {10.1128/mbio.01070-21},
editor = {Bonomo, Robert A.},
issn = {2150-7511},
journal = {mBio},
month = {jun},
number = {3},
publisher = {American Society for Microbiology},
title = {{The membrane composition defines the spatial organization and function of a major Acinetobacter baumannii drug efflux system}},
url = {},
volume = {12},
year = {2021}

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