Test solution


Use AWS credentials to read a parquet file from S3 and then output the second row

The ask:

Steps asked for in the test by Sam Savage

Initial test context: Write an R script that does the following. Step 1 is the crux of the test, 2 & 3 are just bonus.

  • Step 1: Based on a command line parameter(s), uses AWS credentials corresponding to a profile in ~/.aws/credentials, or corresponding to the default credentials provider chain (e.g. to use IAM Role on an EC2 instance).
  • Step 2: Reads a file from S3 (bucket & key from command line args) that is assumed to be in parquet format, and it's assumed access has been granted
  • Step 3: Print the second row in TSV format to standard output

The solution:

  • The solution provided will run all three steps sequentially in the same R script (test_solution.R)
  • The 'Installing dependencies' setup described below needs to be run beforehand before the solution can be run on a Linux machine
  • To run the solution, please run the following line in the commandline as an example, however replacing values for: test_profile, test_bucket, test_key/file.parquet with your own values for your: AWS credentials profile, the relevant S3 bucket and the relevant key respectively.
$ Rscript test_solution.R profile=test_profile bucket=test_bucket key=test_key/file.parquet
  • The solution uses the credentials (in ~/.aws/credentials) to sign an HTTP GET request to download the parquet file to disk which is then read into R before printing the second row as a TSV format to the standard output.
  • The solution assumes the parquet file is in an S3 bucket in the eu-west-1 region


  • Linux OS (Ubuntu or Debian)
  • sudo rights on machine (for setup)
  • bash

All of the above software are assumed to already be installed as they are standard in most EC2 instances

Installing dependencies:

  • If not already installed, git needs to be installed first to collect correct version of files
sudo apt install git
  • Then, this repo needs to be cloned to collect all relevant files. To do this please run the following command:
$ git clone https://github.com/hmaeda/test_convex.git
  • Next, having moved into the directory just created (test_convex), run test_setup.sh to setup R and the relevant libraries. To do this please run the following commands:
$ cd test_convex
$ bash test_setup.sh

Running the solution:

  • N.B. This solution script assumes that the standard AWS credentials file already exists in ~/.aws/credentials and the correct credentials values are already there. If this file is not there then please create it first before running the R script
  • Run the test_solution.R file as follows but repalcing values for: test_profile, test_bucket, test_key/file.parquet with your own values for your: AWS credentials profile, the relevant S3 bucket and the relevant key respectively.
$ Rscript test_solution.R profile=test_profile bucket=test_bucket key=test_key/file.parquet
  • N.B. This script assumes that the standard AWS credentials file already exists in ~/.aws/credentials and the correct credentials values are already there.
  • If no profile argument is given then the default profile in ~/.aws/credentials will be used. To do this, run the R script in the following way:
$ Rscript test_solution.R bucket=test_bucket key=test_key/file.parquet
  • N.B. The solution assumes the parquet file is in an S3 bucket in the eu-west-1 region


This solution was tested on a pre-built AMI on AWS. The details of the AMI are as follows:

  • Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-089cc16f7f08c4457 (64-bit x86) / ami-025d2a3daf21de4b8 (64-bit Arm)
  • Instance type: t2.large
  • N.B. This AMI has git already installed so the installtion step of git is not necssary