Bitcoin Wallet Generator

Generates new Bitcoin wallets individually or in batch with Electrum (BIP32-compliant) standard and outputs mnemonic seed, receiving address, and corresponding QR code to image files for overlay printing on paper wallets.

Install: Option #1: Run "bash" to automatically install all dependencies and setup environment to run program. (ONLY TESTED ON UBUNTU) Option #2: Install all dependencies manually. (Will improve this section with more details soon.)


  1. In home directory, run "bash" and follow menu prompts to choose output and print, if desired.
  2. Files will appear in the "wallets/" directory, filed individually by date/time of creation.

Program Flow:

  1. Use Electrum to generate new wallet (Shell)
  2. Read wallet file and parse json for seed and first receiving address, also saving to individual text files (Python)
  3. Create QR code for receiving address and save to svg file, then convert to png, saving as copy (Python)
  4. Write seed to svg file, formatting text for square output (Python)
  5. Create canvas and place features in arrangement for printing on paper wallet (Python)
  6. Save to transparent overlay file (Python)

To Do:

  1. Reference db of serial numbers and consider naming wallets/dirs using this


  1. Add argument to delete (shred) entire wallet folder after printing to prevent double use
  2. Add script to disable networking before wallet creation
  3. Look into other security implementations
  4. Add label to bill overlays
  5. Fix order of PDFs when multiple merged