Acknowledgement | Demo notebook | Circle status | Cite this |
We are applying machine learning and advanced computation to enable the future of mental training, neurotechnology, and experiential medicine.
Q1 Projects and Epics: here
Read the developer docs:
Read the FAQ
How to get involved: here
Hackathons (Jan 25th and Feb 29th; read more)
Open Problems Day (March 20th; read more)
Demo day (March 21st; read more)
Community statistics: 24 new members for Q1, 21 (~88%) of whom are interested in working in area/machine-learning and 17/24 (~80%) who have made a commitment to contribute at least at the level of 25% of an FTE.
Project Clarify is a citeable work.
Beitel, C. 2019, pcml: An open platform for the development and trialing of the next generation of AI-first mental training experiences, v0.1.0-rc.0, Zenodo, doi:10.5281/zenodo.3567142