
OAuth Login Implementation Examples using rauth via Bottle.py

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


OAuth Login Implementation Examples using rauth via Bottle.py


System Packages:

  • For Python packages:
    • python-setuptools
    • pip
    • virtualenv

Python Packages:

  • bottle
  • rauth

Installing the prerequisites:

  1. Install python-setuptools: sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
  2. Install pip: sudo easy_install -U pip
  3. Install virtualenv: sudo pip install -U virtualenv
  4. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/ejelome/oauth-login-implementation-examples-using-rauth-via-bottle.py
  5. Go to the directory: cd oauth-login-implementation-examples-using-rauth-via-bottle.py
  6. Create a virtualenv: virtualenv venv
  7. Activate virtualenv: source venv/bin/activate
  8. Install remaining prerequisites (bottle and rauth): pip install -r requirements.txt

Modify the hosts file:

In order to make the OAuth APIs work in our local machine, we need to modify the hosts file and pretend we're visiting an online URI:

  • When testing Facebook and Twitter examples, make sure that the local address ( points to mydomain.tld
  • When testing the Google example, the mydomain.tld won't work since Google seem to know that it's an invalid URI
  • We can solve these issues by setting 2 aliases for the address
  1. Open the hosts file: sudo gedit /etc/hosts
  2. Add the following line: mydomain.tld

Running the program:

  1. Execute one of the following:
python oauth2-facebook.py # Facebook
python oauth1-twitter.py # Twitter
python oauth2-google.py # Google
  1. Open a browser and go to: http://localhost:8000
  2. To Login:


  • More detailed information are included in each of the executable files (there are also in the config.py file)
  • You can change the OAuth API settings on config.py file
  • You can change other configurations on the config.py file
  • Coding conventions are based on PEP 8 to make sure that you're also seeing good code examples
  • The examples were done as minimal as possible so you can get a better understanding of OAuth and how simple it is
  • Happy coding! :)

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