
Node.js, MongoDb, Bootstrap, Express.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Mongo Public Radio


  • Mongo News is an application that scrapes NPR's website at npr.org. Users can read articles from the website and then post comments about them.
  • I love NPR and was inspired by the wonderful news content that they provide their listeners with everyday!

Technologies Used:

  • Node.js-

    This application uses the following npm packages: Express, Body-parser, Mongoose, Cheerio, Express-Handlebars, and Request. To run this application on your local computer do: git clone, git init and npm i in the command line.

  • MongoDB- NoSQL document database
  • Mongoose- a MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment
  • Express- web framework for node
  • Body-parser- Parse incoming request bodies in a middleware before your handlers, available under the req.body property.
  • Bootstrap- CSS framework
  • Cheerio- jQuery designed specifically for the server
  • Request- supports HTTPS and follows redirects by default.
  • Express-Handlebars- view engine for Express

Future Development

The application does not currently include images associated with articles and that will be added in future versions.

Mongo News can be found on Heroku here

MPR.org Designer and Programmer: Heather Mathies with help from UCF Bootcamp and her friends.