
Deploy Redis to Kubernetes using Helm 3 and Github Actions


Deploy a single node Redis master to Kubernetes using Helm 3.

Configuring your own deployment

Start by forking or copying this repo to your own org.

Then you will need to set up 3 secrets: REDIS_PASSWORD, KUBE_NAMESPACE and KUBE_CONFIG

The KUBE_CONFIG should be a full copy of your ~/.kube/config.

Sign up for the Github Actions beta and you should be good to go!

If you don't have a Kubernetes environment

I used the free tier from kuber.host. I'm not affiliated with them. I found out about them from the list on free-for-dev

I like that it is free and you don't provide a credit card. It is quick and easy to get your namespace and Kube Config.

Other resources

The original values.yaml was from redis/stable

Download for Helm 3