
Automate the deployment of large scale file structures

Primary LanguageGo


Automate the creation of file structures using custom templates.

fspop => f(ile) s(tructure) pop(ulate)

fspop cli


Create a new structure file

The fastest way to create a new structure is to use the init command.

$ fspop init [STRUCTURE_NAME]

Deploy a structure

Deploying a structure is as simple as calling deploy and giving the file name of the structure file.

$ fspop deploy [STRUCTURE_NAME]

Defining a Structure File

(Use fspop init to create a new structure file instantly)

Structure files are written in YAML .yaml and require two things.

  1. entrypoint
  2. structure

Items are assumed to be a files, folders are defined by having a slash / at the end.

- file.mp3
- folder/:
      - another_folder/

fspop will run though the entire structure and create a file or directory for each item

name: media
entrypoint: path/to/media

    - games/
    - music/:
          - file.mp3
    - photos/:
          - personal/
          - family/

Data variables

Files can be created with content added into them. This is done using data variables.

The name of a data variable can be anything you like, example, readme, and image are made up variable names that could be anything.

The value of a data variable can also be anything you like. fspop can load text, local files and even download URL content.

  • text
  • local file
  • URL

Data variables are defined once, in the data: section, and then can be used for multiple files in the structure: section.

name: data example
entrypoint: fspop/data

    - example: text can be added to a file like this
    - readme: ../path/to/local/file/README.md
    - image: https://via.placeholder.com/400/771796
    - earnings_report: https://example.com/earnings/report.pdf

    - example.file: example
    - readme.md: readme
    - image.png: image
    - earnings.pdf: earnings_report
    - earnings-backup.pdf: earnings_report # data variables can be re-used

Dynamic variables

fspop can create many files/folders at once with one variable.


  • amount : amount of files/folders to create (any number above 0)
  • data : data variable to use to add content into files (all files created will have the data content)
  • type : file or folder - type of item to create
  • name : name of each item, $num is used to number each item (if name is report ($num).pdf, then the 50th file will be report (50).pdf)
  • padded : true or false - pad name with 0s so all items have the same length, report (50) -> report (050)
  • start : starting number for name $num

The amount option is required (the rest have default values).

Dynamic items are used by their name + a $:

  • $dynamicItem
name: data example
entrypoint: fspop/data

    - earnings_report: https://example.com/earnings/report.pdf

    - dynamicItem:
          - amount: 1001
          - data: earnings_report
          - type: file
          - name: earnings_$num.pdf
          - padded: true
          - start: 50

    - manyFolders:
          - amount: 5000
          - type: folder
          - name: folder ($num)
          - padded: true

    - $dynamicItem
    - folder/:
          - $dynamicItem # dynamic variables can be re-used


Command Description
deploy Creates file structure from config file
display Print the directory tree of a structure file
init Creates a new structure config file
list List all structure files in the current directory
