
Docker container that can easily run Palworld dedicated server

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Docker container that can easily run Palworld dedicated server
View on Docker Hub


Variable Describe Default Values Allowed Values
CHECK_UPDATE_ON_START Whether to automatically check for game updates every time you start it true true/false
PORT The server listening port 8211 0-65535
PLAYERS Max number of players 16 1-32
MULTITHREAD Whether to enable multithreading true true/false
ADMIN_PASSWORD Server admin password None string
SERVER_NAME The name of your server string string
SERVER_DESC Description of your server string string
SERVER_PASSWORD The password of your server None string
COMMUNITY Whether the server is appears in the community server list (please set SERVER_PASSWORD) false true/false
COMMUNITY_IP The IP of the community server None string
COMMUNITY_PORT The port of the community server 8211 0-65535
RCON_ENABLED Enable RCON for your server true true/false
RCON_PORT RCON port number 25575 0-65535

The first startup will download the Palworld server file, which may take a while (depends on your network condition)


Container mount point Description
/home/steam/palworld/Pal/Saved Game config and saves

You must modify the permissions of your host's mounting directory, otherwise the container cannot read it.
(ex: chmod -R 777 ./palSaved)

Game settings

The game settings are in the local directory ./palSaved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini (it will be generated after running it for the first time).
Please refer to DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini and official documents for modification.

Docker Compose

Refer to this docker-compose.yml example file

version: '3.8'

    image: hmes98318/palworld-docker:latest
    container_name: palserver
    restart: always
      TZ: "Asia/Taipei"
      PORT: 8211
      PLAYERS: 32
      MULTITHREAD: true
      ADMIN_PASSWORD: "youradminpassword"
      SERVER_NAME: "Palworld Server"
      SERVER_DESC: "Palworld Server Description"
      # COMMUNITY: false  # Enable this option if you want your server to appear in the community servers list, please set SERVER_PASSWORD
      # COMMUNITY_IP: 
      # COMMUNITY_PORT: 8211
      RCON_ENABLED: false
      RCON_PORT: 25575
      - ./palSaved:/home/steam/palworld/Pal/Saved
      - 8211:8211/udp

Docker run

docker run -d \
  --name palserver \
  --restart always \
  -e TZ="Asia/Taipei" \
  -e PORT=8211 \
  -e PLAYERS=32 \
  -e MULTITHREAD=true \
  -e ADMIN_PASSWORD="youradminpassword" \
  -e SERVER_NAME="Palworld Server" \
  -e SERVER_DESC="Palworld Server Description" \
  -e RCON_ENABLED=false \
  -e RCON_PORT=25575 \
  -v ./palSaved:/home/steam/palworld/Pal/Saved \
  -p 8211:8211/udp \