
AWS managed Active Directory

Primary LanguageHCL

This repo Creates MicrosoftAD standard edition

Following resources will be created by the repo :
  • aws_directory_service_directory
  • aws_vpc_dhcp_options
  • aws_vpc_dhcp_options_association
  • aws_ssm_document
  • aws_ssm_document
  • random_string
  • aws_ssm_parameter
terraform workspaces is impemented for this repo, refer to the variables.tf for env specific values.

Terraform commands to run & apply the changes.

#initialize workspace
terraform init -backend-config=backends/dev-env.tf

#create / change workspace
terraform workspace new "dev"
#terraform workspace select "dev"

#plan and apply
terraform plan
terraform apply

Refer to this article for the step by step explanation and implementation details - http://i-cloudconsulting.com/aws-transfer-for-sftp/