
Bitcoin cold wallet on raspberry pi zero. Aim to be zero dependency, easy to use and fault proof.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Bitcoin cold wallet solution on raspberry pi zero.


Feature highlights:

  • Private keys are never exposed to Internet, and never stored in raw format but always encrypted.
  • Online side can watch only. Offline side will be only needed when signing transactions.
  • Encrypted private keys in pi zero, and backuped on physical paper locked in safe cabinet.
  • Fully open source and thoroughly transparent to you for you to check if any pit-falls. Zero dependency and off-the-shelf on raspberry pi therefore very easy to deploy.
  • Very intuitive interface and fault-proof in design principles.

Design ideas

Raspberry pi zero is a neat board (65mm x 30mm x 5mm) that is capable to run a full-fledged Linux system. It is able to bootstrap without any peripherial equipments such as keyboard, monitor, etc, which is called headless bootstrapping. With just a micro-USB to USB cable, it can be run in so-called OTG mode and connected through one-way SSH. Therefore, it would be nice to use pi zero as bitcoin offline wallet together with cold storage as an easy-to-use and safe solution.

The solution is composed of three parts:

  • Online side: running on your computer connected to Internet, for checking balance and creating transactions.
  • Offline side: running on raspberry pi zero, for generating new keys and signing transactions.
  • Cold backup: on paper that locked in your safe cabinet, for life-long saving your assets.

Use Cases

$ pi help

On pi zero (offline side):

Create a new address:

$ pi new [alias] [memo]


  • use hardware entropy for real random seed to generate the key

List all addresses:

$ pi list

Most loverable feature! To tell you that you own the addresses and moneys with them.

$ pi ownership

Export a key for printing out or copying to a physical paper to be locked into the safe cabinet, in BIP38 encrypted format.

$ pi export [N]

Import a BIP38 encrypted key, or a raw private key in WIF format but require a passphrase immediately to encrypt it in BIP38 format before saving into the .pi file for safety:

$ pi import [key] [alias] [memo]

Sign the transaction in offline mode:

$ pi sign

On computer (online side):

List all addresses:

$ pi list

Add an address for use later:

$ pi add [address] [alias] [memo]

Send unspent money from one to another:

$ pi send [from alias] [to alias] [amount] [transaction fee]


  • direct address send/receive are delibrately unsupported for reducing mistakes
  • if amount < unspent of the sender address, it will go back to the sender address by default (i.e. the transaction fee is zero by default)

The .pi Wallet File


  • human readable
  • json format
  • private keys are stored in BIP38 encrypted format
  • each key has its own passphrase

On pi zero, you have keys:

	{ "alias": "demo1",
		"address": "1GYUr1QyVdtAEBix4aaPCojv46MYmXCCfg",
		"key": "6PnSXqvvj2VQULV15L2eKqTvYAnbjGcBya5A7sJKtrmcNh2Yh7NVwkkrma",
		"memo": "the first account for demo",
		"ownership": "yes" },
	{ "alias": "1Mtt",
		"address": "1MttLXzk2vTDAUhuvgqhRuMP4HWLWs2ZcR",
		"key": "6PnMHVscBGBspiMLCW4s7M3BRFhpNV5kPxRXas3jMTKTnSEkqZsipDNww2",
		"memo": "the second account for demo",
		"ownership": "yes" },
	{ "alias": "13Y3",
		"address": "13Y3zqRRCCZGiJ6ACsprBgpfKphzyvvTyj",
		"key": "6PnXHXHJMRWLzS1DiVitZqvYcXpB4SD7aCgnzD6EnYJmCXF8SKZK1PbjYB",
		"memo": "the third account for demo",
		"ownership": "yes" }

On computer, you have no keys (watch-only):

	{ "alias": "demo1",
		"address": "1GYUr1QyVdtAEBix4aaPCojv46MYmXCCfg",
		"memo": "the first account for demo",
		"ownership": "yes" },
	{ "alias": "1Mtt",
		"address": "1MttLXzk2vTDAUhuvgqhRuMP4HWLWs2ZcR",
		"memo": "the second account for demo",
		"ownership": "yes" },
	{ "alias": "13Y3",
		"address": "13Y3zqRRCCZGiJ6ACsprBgpfKphzyvvTyj",
		"memo": "the third account for demo",
		"ownership": "yes" },
	{ "alias": "hmisty",
		"address": "18mDYwjpirsP1WFBknvpzoArghWyKBXAJQ",
		"memo": "donation address" }


(c) 2018 Evan Qingyan Liu. hmisty at gmail dot com.


MIT License.