This app hosts "P2P" pages that are "ephemeral". We say "P2P" because the clients host the page; new visitors retrieve the page contents from other visitors on the same page. It's "ephemeral" in that the server does not store the contents of any page, so once the last visitor leaves a particular page, it is gone.
Ephemeral P2P is an Elixir/Phoenix app, taking advantage of Phoenix's excellent Channel functionality. All of the logic lies in two channels, the HaveChannel
for clients who have a particular bit of content, and the WantChannel
for visitors who want it. The content is addressed by its SHA256 (let us say abc123
), and the two topics associated with that content are have:abc123
and want:abc123
A new page is created from the homepage. A visitor fills in the textarea with whatever content they desire, and presses the "Submit" button (which is not a form submission). The client hashes the content (let's call the hash abc123
) and uses the HTML5 history api to change the URL to /abc123
for easy copy/paste-ability. The client then joins the "have:abc123" topic and begins listening for "content_request"
messages, ready to respond with a "content"
message that includes the page content which it has in memory.
A subsequent visitor who loads /abc123
joins the want:abc123
topic and tries to obtain the content. First it listens for a "content"
message that another visitor may have provoked. If the visitor does not receive it in 2 seconds, it will send a "content_request"
message itself. The server will re-broadcast this message to all have:abc123
subscribers, except that a handle_out
will allow the message with probability 1/subscriber_count
and drop it otherwise. Any have:abc123
subscribers who receive the message will respond with the content and the server will broadcast
it to all want:abc123
subscribers. The new visitor will send a "content_request"
message every 2 seconds until it gets the content (for the case where the handle_out
drops the message to everyone, or a have
subscriber fails to respond for some reason.)
When a want:abc123
subscriber gets the content, it leaves the want:abc123
topic and joins the have:abc123
topic, ready to pass it along to newer visitors.
Lastly, whenever a subscriber joins or leaves have:abc123
, the new visitor count is broadcast, so all clients know the "health" of the page and how close it is to going away.