
Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


WARNING: RedwoodJS software has not reached a stable version 1.0 and should not be considered suitable for production use. In the "make it work; make it right; make it fast" paradigm, Redwood is in the later stages of the "make it work" phase.

Getting Started

  • Tutorial: getting started and complete overview guide.
  • Docs: using the Redwood Router, handling assets and files, list of command-line tools, and more.
  • Redwood Community: get help, share tips and tricks, and collaborate on everything about RedwoodJS.


We use Yarn as our package manager. To get the dependencies installed, just do this in the root directory:

yarn install

Fire it up

yarn redwood dev

Your browser should open automatically to http://localhost:8910 to see the web app. Lambda functions run on http://localhost:8911 and are also proxied to http://localhost:8910/.redwood/functions/*.



https://deck.gl/ - state of the art mapping framework that combines React and mapboxGL Also https://gumroad.com/d/b3b16a20670ba56da7c68bd8c532b006 is a course I bought on mapping

https://explorer.morphocode.com/ amazing UI


https://observablehq.com/@bmschmidt/regl-dot-density another type of mapping tech we could use but maybe for 2nd map since deckgl is already p good

https://observablehq.com/@visnup/restaurants cool data analysis from march

https://pudding.cool/archives/ great inspiration (filter by map)

https://observablehq.com/@enjalot this guy has lots of cool mapping examples too

https://onemilliontweetmap.com/?center=25.48295117535531,-0.17578125&zoom=2&search=j&timeStep=0&timeSelector=0&hashtag1=&hashtag2=sad&sidebar=yes&rendering=sentiment&hashtagBattle=0&timeRange=0&timeRange=25&heatmap=1&sun=0&cluster=0 cool example

another cool demo https://blog.mapbox.com/building-with-building-footprints-22ac88b863bf

another AMAZING UI example https://pudding.cool/2018/12/3d-cities-story/ (more article style than app)

https://pudding.cool/2018/12/3d-cities-story/ how it was made (would be good for optimization but we dont need to worry about that rn)

i think i have more but thats a good start lol