This was a homework project. I have no intention of finishing or continuing this project.
PlebCode is an esoteric programming language that is easy enough to allow any pleb to write simple code.
- Function, EndFunction
- While, EndWhile
- If, EndIf, Else, ElseIf
- Integer, Float
- Input, Output
- Arithmetical: +, -, *, /
- Relational: <, >, =, <=, >=, !=, /=, =/=
Separators: (, )
Identifiers: letter, { letter | digit }
Constant: [ "-" ], (“0” | digit), { "0" | digit }, “.”, { "0" | digit }, digit |[ "-" ], digit, { "0" | digit };
program = 'Function', “ ”, identifier, [“ ()”], declarations, instructions, “EndFunction”;
declarations = {declaration};
declaration = type, identifier;
type = simple | composite;
simple = “Integer” | “Float”;
composite = “Array”, simple, “ ”, (Integer | identifier);
instructions = {instruction};
instruction = (simple_instruction | compound_instruction);
simple_instruction = assignment | IO_instruction
assignment = “Set”, identifier, ("(", expression, ")" | constant | identifier)
constant = nr_integer | nr_real
nr_real = [ "-" ], digit, { "0" | digit };
nr_integer = [ "-" ], (“0” | digit), { "0" | digit }, “.”, { "0" | digit }, digit
expression = operand, ("+"|"-"|""|"/"), operand, {("+"|"-"|""|"/"), operand} | operand
operand = nr_integer | nr_real | identifier
IO_instruction = ("Input" | "Output"), identifier, (identifier | expression)
composite_instruction = if_instruction | while_instruction
if_instruction = "If" condition, instructions, ["Else" instructions "EndIf"]
condition = expression, ("==" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">=" | "<"), expression
while_instruction = "While" condition instructions "EndWhile"