
Unplayable input lag when playing game

Closed this issue · 18 comments

When I first launch a game from the app, there seems to be virtually no input lag at all and there seems to be no delay between moving my cursor. However, when I actually click on the game a yellow bow appears around the game and the input lag suddenly becomes unplayable for some reason. I am using Lubuntu 20.04 I can submit a screen recording if necessary.

I'm sorry for my late response. I believe I have the DRM installed. For example, other sites that utilize the DRM such as Netflix work just fine for me. When I open chrome and type in chrome://components I can see that I have the Widevine Content Decryption Model installed. Are you talking about another media driver? If so how can I check if it's installed or how can I install it?

Hey i have the same Problem

Manjaro Linux i7-7700T - Intel® HD Graphics 630 - Wayland

@Shrey-Varma I think at this point that screen recording you mention would be helpful :P thanks

Same problem :
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - i7-8650U - Intel UHD Graphics 620

same problem
Device-1: Intel HD Graphics 620 driver: i915 v: kernel
Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.9 driver: i915 resolution: 1920x1080~60Hz
OpenGL: renderer: Mesa Intel HD Graphics 620 (KBL GT2) v: 4.6 Mesa 20.2.6

This is likely because Video Hardware Acceleration isn't enabled on your system. Check out this guide to enable it and go to chrome://gpu to verify it is enabled on your system. There are some non-free packages you need to have installed as well as some things you need to toggle.

The guide you linked doesn't help I've tried it and I even got all greens on chrome://gpu. The problem is not this app even, the author can't do anything to enable hardware acceleration in it anyway. The problem is that Chrome and Chromium use WebRTC protocols for hardware video decoding/encoding and unless you are on Chrome/Chromium OS, Android or Windows, WebRTC is disabled for you. (check 'WebRTC hardware video Decoding/Encoding' on your chrome://flags -they are in the unavailable section unless you are on a platform they allow).

So I guess that doesn't really enable hardware acceleration. chrome://gpu may tell you it's enabled, but if you check the media tab in developer options when playing a youtube video it says it isn't using hardware acceleration. You can also tell by the lack of a performance increase. I tried out this guide which shows you how to install a patched version of chromium with hardware acceleration fully enabled and it works well for me. Big performance boost when playing yt, media tab show ha being used, and playing through is actually useable. WebRTC hardware video decoding/encoding is still unavailable but like I said I got huge performance improvements with this patched version so I don't think that's the issue.

Your performance boost on yt might be because of the extension that you installed on chromium. It only works on yt and doesn't do anything to run geforcenow on chromium any better. Without WebRTC chromium can't communicate with your VA hardware, even if recognizes that you have VA.

If you are referring to the h264ify extension I am not using it anyways so that isn't it. I checked the codec using the stats for nerds option in yt and it was not using h264. Either way that's irrelevant because, like I mentioned, I saw a significant decrease in video lag when playing geforcenow through the patched version of chromium versus standard chrome. In standard chrome I press the jump key and a full second later see my character jump (although the audio seems to not have this delay). In this patched version of chromium I can actually play Control without the same input lag and have played through the first few levels.

I'm running this on a 10th gen intel cpu with ubuntu 20.04 so you may not get the same results but it is definitely working for me and I recommend you try it out before dismissing it due to concerns about WebRTC.

I tried it already when I wan on ubuntu 18.04 LTS and it didn't help, not even a single bit. I'm on Clear Linux now, so I'll need to figure it out.

If you are referring to the h264ify extension I am not using it anyways so that isn't it. I checked the codec using the stats for nerds option in yt and it was not using h264. Either way that's irrelevant because, like I mentioned, I saw a significant decrease in video lag when playing geforcenow through the patched version of chromium versus standard chrome. In standard chrome I press the jump key and a full second later see my character jump (although the audio seems to not have this delay). In this patched version of chromium I can actually play Control without the same input lag and have played through the first few levels.

I'm running this on a 10th gen intel cpu with ubuntu 20.04 so you may not get the same results but it is definitely working for me and I recommend you try it out before dismissing it due to concerns about WebRTC.

Is the patched version of chromium just the newest version?

If you are referring to the h264ify extension I am not using it anyways so that isn't it. I checked the codec using the stats for nerds option in yt and it was not using h264. Either way that's irrelevant because, like I mentioned, I saw a significant decrease in video lag when playing geforcenow through the patched version of chromium versus standard chrome. In standard chrome I press the jump key and a full second later see my character jump (although the audio seems to not have this delay). In this patched version of chromium I can actually play Control without the same input lag and have played through the first few levels.

I'm running this on a 10th gen intel cpu with ubuntu 20.04 so you may not get the same results but it is definitely working for me and I recommend you try it out before dismissing it due to concerns about WebRTC.

Is the patched version of chromium just the newest version?

If you are referring to the h264ify extension I am not using it anyways so that isn't it. I checked the codec using the stats for nerds option in yt and it was not using h264. Either way that's irrelevant because, like I mentioned, I saw a significant decrease in video lag when playing geforcenow through the patched version of chromium versus standard chrome. In standard chrome I press the jump key and a full second later see my character jump (although the audio seems to not have this delay). In this patched version of chromium I can actually play Control without the same input lag and have played through the first few levels.
I'm running this on a 10th gen intel cpu with ubuntu 20.04 so you may not get the same results but it is definitely working for me and I recommend you try it out before dismissing it due to concerns about WebRTC.

Is the patched version of chromium just the newest version?

I used the chromium-beta build from this ppa: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:saiarcot895/chromium-beta. There are some other things you need to do so I'd reference the guide.

Linux Mint 20.2 Uma from today, it happens and previously it also happened. I do not have video acceleration in browsers, but I do have in Mpv and Vlc etc...

Graphics: Device-1: Intel UHD Graphics driver: i915 v: kernel
Device-2: NVIDIA TU106 [GeForce RTX 2060] driver: nvidia v: 460.80
Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.9 driver: modesetting, nvidia unloaded: fbdev, nouveau, vesa
resolution: 1920x1080 ~ 144Hz
OpenGL: renderer: GeForce RTX 2060 / PCIe / SSE2 v: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 460.80

Closing this for now. Reopen when (or if it's still) needed.

By manually setting the server in my zone Europe 4 the lag decreases a lot although it would be better to be able to take advantage of hardware acceleration as well.