Emoncms is an open-source web application for processing, logging and visualising energy, temperature and other environmental data and is part of the OpenEnergyMonitor project.
Version 9 of emoncms has been developed by Chaveiro with a significant list of improvements, see forum thread with full change log
Note: We are currently reorganising the emoncms branches. The master branch is now the same as 9.x.
master - The latest and greatest developments. Potential bugs, use at your own risk! EmonCMS 9.x forum thread
stable - emonPi/emonBase release branch (as of Jan 16 ready-to-go SD card image), regularly merged from master. Slightly more tried and tested.
low-write (v8.5) - The old emonpi/emonbase emoncms version (July 15 ready-to-go SD card image). Low-write mode is now available in v9.0. The low write version of emoncms is designed for running on SD cards. This is a cut down version of emoncms supports only the phpfina and phptimeseries feed engines (no in built feed averaging or histograms) and a reduced input processor set. Archived branch
Optional modules
Optional modules can be installed by downloading or git cloning into the emoncms/Modules folder. Be sure to update check for database updates in Administration menu after installing new modules:
Dashboards module, required for creating, viewing and publishing dashboards: https://github.com/emoncms/dashboard
App provides application specific dashboards for emoncms: myelectric, mysolar, mysolar&wind, myheatpump https://github.com/emoncms/app.git
Nodes provides a RFM12/69 focused alternative to the input module, with support for receiving and sending node data over the RFM network. The Nodes module has been developed to complement and integrate closely with emonhub node defenintions and configuration. https://github.com/emoncms/nodes.git
Config provides an in-browser emonhub.conf editor and emonhub.log log viewer. git clone https://github.com/emoncms/config.git
Wifi provides an in emoncms wifi configuration interface designed for use on the emonpi. git clone https://github.com/emoncms/wifi.git
There are many other modules such as the event module and openbem (open source building energy modelling module) that are available, check out the emoncms repo list: https://github.com/emoncms
v9 Development http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/node/11009
EmonView: An open source python, flask, socketio, js web application for monitoring and control https://github.com/trystanlea/emonview
- Github: Home Energy Monitor - Second half gives an example of how to configure emoncms to show an electric use dashboard
- EmonTx v3: Quick start guide - an example of configuring the inputs of the standard (non watt hour calculating) firmware for the EmonTx v3 including My Electric dashboard configuration
- EmonTH: Quick start guide - an example of configuring emoncms EmonTH inputs and creating temperature and humidity feeds
- Blog post: An Example of configuring the new emoncms bargraph visualisation that uses accumulating watt hour data - part of the Monitoring SolarPV, Heatpump and house electric, EmonTx v2 system upgrade example
Documentation hosted on openenergymonitor documentation github:
- Emoncms architecture
- Input processing
- Emoncms time series database development history
- Variable interval time series
- Fixed interval time series
- Fixed interval with averaging time series
- Improving write performance with buffering
- Forum post: How to build an Energy Monitoring Android App part 1
- How to build an Energy Monitoring Android App P1 - Retrieving data from a remote server such as emoncms.org
- How to build an Energy Monitoring Android App P2 - Drawing an Energy Monitoring display with java 2d canvas
- Drawing a myelectric style bar chart
- Official site - http://emoncms.org
- OpenEnergyMonitor Forums
- OpenEnergyMonitor Labs page
You can also join us on our IRC channel #emon on irc.freenode.net.
Emoncms is developed and has had contributions from the following people.
- Trystan Lea https://github.com/trystanlea (principal maintainer)
- Chaveiro https://github.com/chaveiro (principal developer of v9)
- Paul Reed https://github.com/Paul-Reed
- Ildefonso Martínez https://github.com/ildemartinez
- Matthew Wire https://github.com/mattwire
- Baptiste Gaultier https://github.com/bgaultier
- Paul Allen https://github.com/MarsFlyer
- James Moore https://github.com/foozmeat
- Lloyda https://github.com/lloyda
- JSidrach https://github.com/JSidrach
- Jramer https://github.com/jramer
- Drsdre https://github.com/drsdre
- Dexa187 https://github.com/dexa187
- Carlos Alonso Gabizó
- PlaneteDomo https://github.com/PlaneteDomo
- Paul Reed https://github.com/Paul-Reed
- thunderace https://github.com/thunderace
- pacaj2am https://github.com/pacaj2am
- Ynyr Edwards https://github.com/ynyreds
- Jerome https://github.com/Jerome-github
- fake-name https://github.com/fake-name