
Sift Science API (Python client)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Sift Science Python Bindings TravisCI

Bindings for Sift Science's Events, Labels, and Score APIs.


Set up a virtual environment with virtualenv (otherwise you will need to make the pip calls as sudo):

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Get the latest released package from pip:

Python 2:

pip install sift

Python 3:

pip3 install sift

or install newest source directly from GitHub:

Python 2:

pip install git+https://github.com/SiftScience/sift-python

Python 3:

pip3 install git+https://github.com/SiftScience/sift-python


Here's an example:

import sift.client

sift.api_key = '<your api key here>'
client = sift.Client()

user_id= "23056"   # User ID's may only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9, =, ., -, _, +, @, :, &, ^, %, !, $

# Track a transaction event -- note this is blocking
event = "$transaction"

properties = {
  "$user_id" : user_id,
  "$user_email" : "buyer@gmail.com",
  "$seller_user_id" : "2371",
  "seller_user_email" : "seller@gmail.com",
  "$transaction_id" : "573050",
  "$payment_method" : {
    "$payment_type"    : "$credit_card",
    "$payment_gateway" : "$braintree",
    "$card_bin"        : "542486",
    "$card_last4"      : "4444"
  "$currency_code" : "USD",
  "$amount" : 15230000,

response = client.track(event, properties)

response.is_ok()  # returns True of False

print response # prints entire response body and http status code

# Request a score for the user with user_id 23056
response = client.score(user_id)

# Label the user with user_id 23056 as Bad with all optional fields
response = client.label(user_id,{ "$is_bad" : True, "$reasons" : ["$chargeback", ],
                        "$description" : "Chargeback issued",
                        "$source" : "Manual Review",
                        "$analyst" : "analyst.name@your_domain.com"})

# Remove a label from a user with user_id 23056
response = client.unlabel(user_id)


Before submitting a change, make sure the following commands run without errors from the root dir of the repository:

PYTHONPATH=. python tests/client_test.py
PYTHONPATH=. python3 tests/client_test.py