mmSupernaturals, based off of the plugin "Supernatural Players" by [[|Matterz]], is now being continued!It includes Vampires, Ghouls, Werewolves, Demons, Priests, and WitchHunter. Recommended Plugins: Permissions WorldGuard Todo: Add (Offical) support for many permissions plugin Add a new (Secret) supernatural type I will give some hints to the new type as I develop it ;) Features General: Classes are Vampire, Ghoul, Werewolf, Demon, Priest, and WitchHunter. All classes have abilities that depend on your power level. All classes gain power in a certain way. WitchHunter kill list generate on server start. (Admins can remove players with the command /sn rmTarget) Class Join/Leave Information: Each class has a unique event required for joining or leaving. Joining a Class: Humans construct special Altars to convert to Vampires, starting with a solid Gold Block. Humans sometimes convert to Werewolves when dying to wild wolves at night. Pig Zombies sometimes have the ability to make humans undead rather than just dead. Any human who shows proper devotion to the Church may become a Priest. Non-Priest humans who can prove their Supernatural Hunting Abilities by slaying 3 different types of supernaturals without dying will be invited to the WitchHunters' Association. Humans who enter the Nether covered in dead animal skins (leather armor) and sacrifice themselves to the Inferno will become Demonic. Leaving a Class: Vampires construct special Altars to regain their humanity, starting with a solid Lapis Block. Werewolves must make themselves a Wolfbane potion, starting with an empty Bowl. Priests merely have to insult the Church by offering Coal to the donations' Altar. The Holy energy of the Church's Altar will sometimes cleanse a Ghoul and restore their humanity. Demons who die in icy water while carrying snowballs will find the demonic fire in their blood cooled. WitchHunters who exhibit extremely poor bow skills (kill themselves) will be removed from the Association. [[|Classes]] (Includes spell details) Commands: <optional Parameter> [required Parameter] Player: /sn help - Shows a list of available commands /sn power - Shows current class and powerlevel /sn list - Shows a list of online players in each class /sn classes - Shows a list of classes with a short description of each Admins: /sn admin - Shows a list of available Admin commands /sn cure <playername> - Restores player to humanity (either reverting them to Priest or making them human) /sn convert <playername> [class] - Converts a player to the specified class /sn power <playername> [amount] - Gives player specified amount of power /sn reset <playername> - Resets a player's power to zero /sn rmTarget <playername> - Removes player from the WitchHunter kill list /sn reload <type> - Reloads the config.yml or data.yml file /sn save - Saves both the config.yml and data.yml files (default: config.yml) /sn restartTask - Restarts the task timer used for many passive abilities (in case of it crashing due to overload) /sn setChurch - Sets the player's current location as the Church /sn setBanish - Sets the player's current location as the Banish location Permissions: - access to /sn help supernatural.command.list - access to /sn list supernatural.command.power - access to /sn power supernatural.command.classes - access to /sn classes supernatural.command.killlist - access to /sn killlist supernatural.player.shrineuse - access to vampire and priest shrines supernatural.player.wolfbane - access to wolfbane potion creation supernatural.player.preventwaterdamage - prevents ghouls from taking water damage supernatural.player.preventsundamage - prevents vampires from taking damage in sunlight supernatural.player.witchhuntersign - allows player to create WitchHunter signs used for WitchHunter Halls supernatural.admin.infinitepower - gives player unlimited power supernatural.admin.partial.curse - allows player to change their own class only - disables supernatural players in world if: (multiworld: true) in the config.yml supernatural.admin.command.adminhelp - access to /sn admin supernatural.admin.command.cure - access to /sn cure supernatural.admin.command.curse - access to /sn convert supernatural.admin.command.power - access to /sn power <playername> [amount] supernatural.admin.command.reset - access to /sn reset supernatural.admin.command.reload - access to /sn reload - access to /sn save supernatural.admin.command.setchurch - access to /sn setChurch supernatural.admin.command.setbanish - access to /sn setBanish Setting up: Download the plugin, Place it in your plugins directory, Start your server, Go to the Church and type the command: /sn setChurch, Go to the Banish location and type the command: /sn setBanish, Make a WitchHunter's Hall by placing an Iron Door with a sign next to it saying "WitchHunter" (Default) Done!
mmSupernaturals- A bukkit plugin based off of Matterz's Supernatural Players