
Demo project for Apache Ignite running in Kubernetes

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Demo project for Apache Ignite running in Kubernetes

Used with microk8s running on Ubuntu 22.04

Install the latest version of microk8s

snap install microk8s --classic

Start microk8s

microk8s start

Enable addons

microk8s enable registry observability

create an alias for microk8s helm or microk8s kubectl

Install headlamp (optional)

helm repo add headlamp https://headlamp-k8s.github.io/headlamp/
helm install my-headlamp headlamp/headlamp --namespace headlamp --create-namespace

Build the application and upload the images

./gradlew build jib

Deploy the application with Helm

helm dependency update helm/ignite-k8s-demo
helm install <release-name> helm/ignite-k8s-demo/ -n <namespace> --create-namespace

You can list and uninstall the application with Helm

helm list -n <namespace>
helm uninstall <release-name> -n <namespace>