Product name: GMC-TK01-XGS2110
- UART connector (3 pins), bottom left (see Findings)
- unidentified chip 'k4b2616'(?), bottom right (pic 01, pic 02)
- area under heatsink unexplored
- U10 - mx25l4006e flash chip, bottom left (see mx25l4006e)
- U7 - w25n01gvzeig SPI NAND flash chip, top (see w25n01gvzeig)
Settings 115200 8N1 were used connect to the board and find the boot logs
Logs were 'cleaned' slightly to allow for diffing.
After booting, the devices lands at a Linux shell:
Please press Enter to activate this console.
The copper interface's MAC address can be read from the PON-SN sticker on the front and back.
The PON-SN format is: GNXSiiMACMAC
Where the number ii
seemingly translates to the OUI part of the MAC address.
Using the public listing of IEEE's MA-L Assignments, the order in which the Genexis blocks are registered seem to indicate which OUI to use.
For instance, if ii
is 05
, it's the 5th OUI block registered by Genexis.
These are Genexis' OUIs in order in which they were registered:
- 34E380
- BC62D2
- 000F5D
- 000F94
- 580032
A Boa webserver (v0.94.13) seems to host the management interface.
Login credentials unknown.