
gRPC demo on Kubernetes cluster

Primary LanguageGo

Microservices Orchestration Demo

  • Service discovery with either consul or kubernetes services
  • Load balancing between nodes
  • Pub/Sub Events with Kafka
  • Circuit breaker [TODO]


Build docker images

make build


Option 1: Docker + Consul

You can run the demo locally in docker using consul as service discovery (go-micro default registry)

make up

To check the output

make logs

To stop it type

make down

Option 2: Kubernetes in minikube

You can use a local kubernetes cluster to deploy the demo Install minikube an activate set up the terminal to use the minikube docker

eval $(minikube docker-env)

Rebuild the images so they are available inside the minikube docker

make build

Deploy Kafka, it will take some seconds

make deploy-kafka

Once kafka is ready then deploy the demo

make deploy

To remove all services type:

make destroy
make destroy-kafka

Appendix: Installation fo Protocol Buffers (Mac OSX)

Install the proto compiler

With brew

NOTE: The next steps will install the compiler from the source, alternatively you can use brew

brew install protobuf

From source


brew install autoconf && brew install automake
  1. Download the appropriate release here: https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases

  2. Configure and build the compiler

make check
  1. Install it
sudo make install
which protoc
protoc --version

Install the Go plugin for the proto compiler

go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go

Make sure $GOPATH/bin is available on the $PATH

Compile the proto spec to Go classes

protoc --go_out=. protobuf/greeter.proto