
Backend for social-auth for B2ACCESS OAuth2

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


B2ACCESS is an easy-to-use and secure Authentication and Authorization platform developed by EUDAT. B2ACCESS offers authentication of users to applications using OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect and SAML.

social-auth-backend-b2access is an OAuth2 client for B2ACCESS that depends on social-auth-core.

This is a Python 3 based project. No attempts have been made to make it backwards compatible with Python 2.


Install with pip install social-auth-backend-b2access or by downloading the source and running setup.py.


Set up a service at B2ACCESS

There needs to exist an entry for your site/app/service at B2ACCESS. Go to B2ACCESS but do not log in. Click on Register a new account. In the popup, click on OAuth 2.0 Client Registration Form. This will bring up a new popup, "Registration Form".

The username and password will be used later to change information about the app, but will also be used as the OAuth2 KEY and SECRET. mail is the correct contact email address for the person responsible for the service. OAuth client return URL is what B2ACCESS calls the endpoints to the service. social-auth calls these redirect uris, and there can be more than one. Admin is the name of the person responsible for the service. The usage-field must be filled with at least 30 characters.

The redirect uri is of the form <type>://<domainpath>/<suffix>/, where <type> is one of http or https, <domainpath> is the domain name of your site and an optional path, and the <suffix> is backend-dependent. See the examples under Backends.

Set up your site

You'll need to set the client id (username) and client secret (password) you chose for B2ACCESS in the settings of your app/site.

Both the name of the settings and the redirect uris depend on the backends used. Add at least one of the backends below.

See social's documentation for more.


In your settings.py:

  • Add 'social_django' to INSTALLED_APPS.
  • Add one or more of the backend names below to the start of AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS. If you're also using user-models à la Django, 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend' must be in the same list, following the backends.
  • Set SOCIAL_AUTH_B2ACCESS_SSL_PROTOCOL to True to force use of SSL.
  • SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL, SOCIAL_AUTH_NEW_USER_REDIRECT_URL and SOCIAL_AUTH_REDIRECT_IS_HTTPS will have to be set depending on the needs of your site.
  • If you use the Django admin, you might want to set SOCIAL_AUTH_ADMIN_USER_SEARCH_FIELDS, for instance to ['username', 'email'].

In your site's urls.py, include:

url(PREFIX, include('social_django.urls', namespace='social')),

... where PREFIX is a string to start off the urls with. Empty string, '', is fine.

Generating usernames

By default, the username that is returned is B2ACCESS' "name"-field, which holds a full name of a person. Also, the name is cleaned via a regular expression, see the table of results below:

Before After
John Doe JohnDoe
Schültz Schltz

If you don't want the username to be cleaned, set SOCIAL_AUTH_CLEAN_USERNAMES to False in settings.

If you want to make the username very url-friendly, set SOCIAL_AUTH_SLUGIFY_USERNAMES to True. "John Doe" will then be converted to "john-doe". This will also strip away non-ASCII letters.

If you want to use email-addresses for the username, set SOCIAL_AUTH_USERNAME_IS_FULL_EMAIL to True in settings.

If there already is a user with that username registered, the username will have a random alpahnumeric string appended in order to make it unique.

You might want to let users change this generated username. The backend only cares that a username exists and is unique and won't change the username back.



This is for services in production.

Register service at


Backend name





Scopes needed

email and profile

Redirect-uri ends with


Example redirect uri:


This is for services not yet fully in production.

Register service at


Backend name





Scopes needed

email and profile

Redirect-uri ends with


Example redirect uri:

