
A micro-library for all Crypto related infrastructure.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A micro-library for all Crypto related infrastructure.

In the example below 'cookie.encryption' is the baseConfigKey that is specified when the crypto utility is created. The 'previousKeys' element is optional.

# Base 64 encoded MD5 hash of application.secret

cookie.encryption {


Add the following to your SBT build:

resolvers += MavenRepository("HMRC-open-artefacts-maven2", "https://open.artefacts.tax.service.gov.uk/maven2")

libraryDependencies += "uk.gov.hmrc" %% "crypto" % "[INSERT-VERSION]"


Symmetric encrypter/decrypters

Represented by the model Encrypter and Decrypter. Or AdEncrypter AdDecrypter for the associated data variant.

The different variants are provided by SymmetricCryptoFactory.

The supported types are:

  • AesCrypto

    An implementation of "AES" Cipher.

    It represents the encypted data as Crypted, which contains a single base64 encoded String.

    Note, it is recommended to use AesGCMCrypto instead which uses a nonce to prevent repeatable encryptions.

    To create, either call SymmetricCryptoFactory.aesCrypto with the secret key, or SymmetricCryptoFactory.aesCryptoFromConfig to look up the keys from config. SymmetricCryptoFactory.aesCryptoFromConfig additionally supports decrypting with any available previous keys, to support key rotation.

  • AesGCMCrypto

    Similar to AesCrypto, but uses the GCM algorithm. This includes the use of a nonce, to prevent repeatable encryptions. Note, the associated data is always set to an empty array. Use AesGcmAdCrypto if setting the associated data is required.

    It represents the encypted data as Crypted, which contains a single base64 encoded String.

    To create, either call SymmetricCryptoFactory.aesGcmCrypto with the secret key, or SymmetricCryptoFactory.aesGcmCryptoFromConfig to look up the keys from config. SymmetricCryptoFactory.aesGcmCryptoFromConfig additionally supports decrypting with any available previous keys, to support key rotation.

  • AesGcmAdCrypto

    It is similar to AesGCMCrypto, but it additionally takes some associated data when encrypting and decrypting. This can be used to prevent copying encrypted data to another context.

    It is a replacement to SecreGCMCipher that was previously included in many clients; and to simplify migration, it represents the encrypted data with EncryptedValue rather than Crypted.

    Note, if you are migrating from SecureGCMCipher, you will provide the key (and any previous keys) to the construction of AesGcmAdCrypto and not to each call to encrypt/decrypt. You will also need to import CryptoFormats.encryptedValueFormat from crypto-json.

    To create, either call SymmetricCryptoFactory.aesGcmAdCrypto with the secret key, or SymmetricCryptoFactory.aesGcmAdCryptoFromConfig to look up the keys from config. SymmetricCryptoFactory.aesGcmAdCryptoFromConfig additionally supports decrypting with any available previous keys, to support key rotation.

See java docs for more details.

Oneway hashers/verifiers

Represented by the model Hasher and Verifier.

The supported variants are provided by OnewayCryptoFactory.


This model identifies data which should be encrypted. It can be used in conjunction with Crypto Json to encrypt in JSON for storing in database or sending over the wire. It also overrides toString to suppress logging.

It is recommended to use Sensitive rather than Protected as provided by json-encyption since the parameterised type is not erased, which can be useful with looking up a mongo codec in runtime for example.

Crypto Json

Provides Play json formats which encrypt the Sensitive type. See Sensitive.

This replaces the json-encryption library.

resolvers += MavenRepository("HMRC-open-artefacts-maven2", "https://open.artefacts.tax.service.gov.uk/maven2")

libraryDependencies += "uk.gov.hmrc" %% "crypto-json-play-xx" % "[INSERT-VERSION]"

Where play-xx is your version of Play (e.g. play-28).

Migrating from json-encryption library

You can use a provided Sensitive implementation and encrypter/decrypter if available. E.g. for String

val value: String = ...
val encryptor = new JsonEncryptor[String]()
val encryptedValue: JsValue = encryptor.writes(Protected[String](value))


val value: String = ...
val encrypter = JsonEncryption.sensitiveEncrypter[String, SensitiveString]
val encryptedValue: JsValue = encrypter.writes(SensitiveString(value))


val encryptedValue: JsValue = ...
val decryptor = new JsonDecryptor[String]()
val optValue: Option[String] = decryptor.reads(encryptedValue).asOpt.map(_.decryptedValue)


val encryptedValue: JsValue = ...
val decrypter = JsonEncryption.sensitiveDecrypter(SensitiveString.apply)
val optValue: Option[String] = decrypter.reads(encryptedValue).asOpt.map(_.decryptedValue)

If there isn't a Sensitive implementation provided for your required type, you can create one.

For a generic type, the type variable can be added on your Sensitive implementation (but in this example, T will be erased - but this is the same as the deprecated Protected). E.g. using

case class SensitiveT[T](override val decryptedValue: T) extends Sensitive[T]
val value: T = ...
val encryptor = new JsonEncryptor[T]()
val encryptedValue: JsValue = encryptor.writes(Protected[T](value))


val value: T = ...
val encrypter = JsonEncryption.sensitiveEncrypter[T, SensitiveT[T]]
val encryptedValue: JsValue = encrypter.writes(SensitiveT(value))


val encryptedValue: JsValue = ...
val decryptor = new JsonDecryptor[T]()
val optValue: Option[T] = decryptor.reads(encryptedValue).asOpt.map(_.decryptedValue)


val encryptedValue: JsValue = ...
val decrypter = JsonEncryption.sensitiveDecrypter[T, SensitiveT[T]](SensitiveT.apply)
val optValue: Option[T] = decrypter.reads(encryptedValue).asOpt.map(_.decryptedValue)


Version 8.0.0

Built for Scala 3 and Scala 2.13 - drops Scala 2.12.

Version 7.6.0

Adds support for Play 2.9 and Play 3.0

Version 7.0.0

  • The secure library has been rolled into crypto. The package has changed from hmrc.gov.uk.secure to hmrc.gov.uk.crypto.secure.
  • The artefact crypto-json-play-xx has been added to replace the json-encryption library. It provides Sensitive rather than Provided to avoid erasure and doesn't leak the value in toString.
  • AesGcmAdCrypto has been added. It is different from AesGCMCrypto in that it supports associated data to be provided on each encrypt/decrypt. This should replace custom SecureGCMCipher.
  • SymmetricCryptoFactory has been added to make finding/using symetric cryptos easier.
  • CompositeSymmetricCrypto has been deprecated. To compose cryptos, clients should use SymmetricCryptoFactory.composeCrypto. Clients should not use the CompositeSymmetricCrypto abstraction, which is implementation details of the composition of previous decrypters. Instead, they should use Encrypter with Decrypter.


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License