
API Server Built with Django REST Framework

Primary LanguagePython

Alumni REST API Server

A REST API server built with Django REST framework for the Alumni of Bangladesh University of Professionals that allows its' users to:

  • Register & Login
  • Create/Update/Delete profile
  • Update settings
  • Create/Update/Delete/Like/Unlike blog posts

Python Django Django

How to set up

Clone project & Install Requirements

Make sure you have already installed python3 and git.

git clone https://github.com/hmsayem/alumni-api.git && cd alumni-api
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
Create Admin User
python manage.py createsuperuser
Run Server
python manage.py runserver

The blog should be available at localhost:8000. You can login as an admin at http://localhost:8000/admin.

API Reference


POST /api/account/register/

Request Body:

    "first_name": "Hossain",
    "last_name": "Mahmud",
    "username": "hmsayem",
    "email": "hmsayem@gmail.com",
    "password": "changeit"


POST /api/account/login/

Request Body:

    "username": "hmsayem",
    "password": "changeit"

Login reqeust returns a token and an expiry as a json response. The token should be set as the authorization header.

Get all users

GET /api/account/user/

Get user

GET /api/account/user/${user_id}/

Update user

PUT /api/account/user/${user_id}/

Request Body:

    "username": "sayem",
    "email": "sayem@gmail.com"

This request will update the username and email of the specified user. Server will deny the request if the specified user is not same as the logged in user.

Get profiles of all users
GET /api/account/profile/
Create profile for a user
POST /api/account/profile/

Request Body:

    "about": "Passionate about implementing new projects",
    "faculty": "FST",
    "department": "ICT",
    "roll": 17511058,
    "batch": 2017,
    "passing_year": 2021

This request will create the above profile for the logged in user.

Get profile of a user
GET /api/account/profile/${user_id}/
Update profile of a user
PUT /api/account/profile/${user_id}/

Request Body:

    "roll": 17511060,
    "batch": 2018

This request will update the roll and batch of the specified user. Server will deny the request if the specified user is not same as the logged in user.

Delete profile of a user
DELETE /api/account/profile/${user_id}/

Server will deny the request if the specified user is not same as the logged in user.

Get job descriptions of all users
GET /api/account/job/
Create job description for a user
POST /api/account/job/

Request Body:

    "title": "Software Engineer",
    "company": "AppsCode Inc.",
    "start_date": "2021-03-01"

This request will create the above job description for the logged in user.

Get job description of a user
GET /api/account/job/${user_id}/
Update job description of a user
PUT /api/account/job/${user_id}/

Request Body:

    "start_date": "2021-04-01"

This request will update the start_date of the specified user. Server will deny the request if the specified user is not same as the logged in user.

Delete job description of a user
DELETE /api/account/job/${user_id}/

Server will deny the request if the specified user is not same as the logged in user.

Get Social links of all users
GET /api/account/social/
Create Social links for a user
POST /api/account/social/

Request Body:

    "facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/hm.sayem",
    "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/hmsayem",
    "github": "https://github.com/hmsayem"

This request will create the above social links for the logged in user.

Get Social links of a user
GET /api/account/social/${user_id}/
Update Social links of a user
PUT /api/account/social/${user_id}/

Request Body:

    "facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/sayem",
    "linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/sayem",

This request will update the facebook and linked in links of the specified user. Server will deny the request if the specified user is not same as the logged in user.

Delete Social links of a user
DELETE /api/account/social/${user_id}/

Server will deny the request if the specified user is not same as the logged in user.

Get all blog posts
GET /api/blog/post/
Create blog post
POST /api/blog/post/

Request Body:

    "title": "Blog Post 1",
    "body": "<p>It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using<strong> Lorem Ipsum</strong> is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using &#39;Content here, content here&#39;, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for &#39;lorem ipsum&#39; will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).</p>",
    "category": "Dynamic Programming"

This request will create the above blog post. Server will set the logged in user as the author of this blog post.

Get blog post
GET /api/blog/post/${blog_id}/
Update blog post
PUT /api/blog/post/${blog_id}/

Request Body:

    "title": "Blog Post 2"

This request will update the title of the specified blog post. Server will deny the request if the author of the blog post is not same as the logged in user.

Delete blog post
DELETE /api/blog/post/${blog_id}/

Server will deny the request if the author of the blog post is not same as the logged in user.

Like/Unlike blog post
PUT /api/blog/like/${blog_id}/

This request will add a like to the specified blog post. If the post is already liked by the logged in user, the request will remove the like from it.