
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Filter usage

!f [condition1] [condition2] ...

Basically all conditions are AND combined. Some conditions have OR clause in themselves.

Attribute / Elements

  • fire or f
  • water or w
  • wind or i
  • thunder or t
  • light or l
  • dark or d


human sprite beast mecha dragon undead youkai plant demon aquatic


5* 4*

You can use 1234* for not 5-star characters.

Power Flip Type

fist sword bow support special

Skill Wait

sw>600 sw<=380 sw==460 (Mention you need to use two equal signs)


male female unknown lily

Text filter

Use -t <text to filter> to filter by a text. If the text contains spaces, enclose it by quotes (single or double). e.g. -t "skill damage"

If the search text will not be recognized as a condition, you can emit the -t.

You can add additional options before the -t part. Options will be applied to all -t part after them. You can use reset to clear the options.

Option: Search in fields

These conditions are OR combined. If you indicate none, all fields will be searched.

  • leader or lb to search in leader buff.
  • skill or s to search in skill.
  • ability or a to search in all abilities.
  • a12 or a456 etc. to search in specific abilities.
  • unison or u to search in skill and ability 1, 2, 4, 5, 6.

Option: Negative search

Use exclude or ex condition to get results not containing the text.

Option: Regular expression

Use regexp or r