
QoL enhancements and additions to Rock Band 2

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

Header GIF

Downloads and install instructions have been moved to our website!

Welcome to the Rock Band 2 Deluxe repository!

Below are instructions for building the game yourself.
Please visit our website if you're looking for downloads.

🔨 Building (NOT standard download and install)

NOTE: This is for building the game, for developers and contributors.
If you're looking for downloads, please visit our website.

Installing Python (Required)

  • Head to the Python downloads, download and install Python (version 3.9 or later).
    • Select "Add python.exe to PATH" on the installer.

Python PATH

Initializing the Repo

  • Go to the Releases of this repo and download _init_repo.py.
    • Make a new empty folder, put _init_repo.py in the folder, and run it. This will pull the repo down for you and make sure you're completely up to date. This will take some time.

The folder should look like this once it's done:

Repo Folder

The Rock Band 2 Deluxe repo is now set up!

From here, you can make any personal modifications to the game or build it yourself.

  • Navigate to windows_bats if you're on Windows or user_scripts if you're on Linux.
    • Run the build_ script for your platform of choice to build Rock Band 2 Deluxe.
    • Built contents will be in the _build folder on the root of the repo.

You can now return to Installing on Xenia (Advanced) or Custom Textures.

🖥️ Dependencies

Git for Windows - CLI application to allow auto updating Deluxe repo files

Dot Net 6.0 Runtime - Needed to run ArkHelper

Python - For user script functionality (NOTE: 3.9 or newer is highly recommended!)

Mackiloha - ArkHelper for building Deluxe - SuperFreq for building .bmp_xbox highway images

swap_rb_art_bytes.py - Python script for converting Xbox images to PS3

dtab - For serializing .dtb script files