
PoC implementation of a BitMLx -> 2xBitML compiler

Primary LanguageRacketOtherNOASSERTION


PoC implementation of a BitMLx -> 2xBitML compiler. This includes a compiler library and an example app that outputs the resulting BitML contracts as racket files, compatible with the existing BitML compiler.

Project structure

The relevant folders in the project are:

  • src/: source code for the compiler library.
  • test/: unit tests (using tasty-hunit) for the compiler library.
  • app/: source code for the example app, including examples of haskell-embedded BitMLx contracts.
  • output/: racket-embedded BitML contracts corresponding to the compilation results of the example contracts.


Before installing the BitMLx compiler, you should check if the following tools are installed on your device:

  • The BitML compiler: Our BitMLx compiler is based on the original BitML compiler, so installing it first is essential. Follow the BitML compiler instruction to install the tool.
  • LLVM: LLVM enhances portability and optimization of Haskell programs. It is required by the GHC compiler. To install LLVM on Ubuntu: sudo apt install llvm
  • numa: This library is required when linking the Haskell program. Install it on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libnuma-dev
  • python3: The pipeline of our tool is written in Python 3 (any version is fine).
  • pip: Used to install external Python packages.
  • prettytable: An external package to generate formatted table. It is used in our tool to create a table based on contract statistics. Install it using: pip install prettytable.


Install stack and clone the repo. Then, you can run the following command inside the project folder:

  • ./BitMLx_pipeline.sh executes the following pipeline:
    • Run the BitMLx compiler.
    • Replace hash placeholders in racket-BitML contracts.
    • Compile the racket-BitML contracts and store the outputs in new generated files with '.balzac' extension.

About the Unit Tests

stack test runs unit tests.

Current unit tests have the following component:

  • A module with an example BitMLx contract.
  • A module with the expected Bitcoin BitML contract.
  • A module with the expected Dogecoin BitML contract.
  • A module with the testing code that compiles (and compares) the preconditions, build the compilation settings, compiles the contract and compares the outputs.

Write your own BitMLx contracts

If you want to write your own BitMLx contracts:

  • stack haddock --no-haddock-deps bitmlx --open build the documentation and opens it in your web browser. Probably a good entry point!
  • app/Examples/: where to place your new BitMLx contracts. Attention: the contracts should have the .hs extention.
  • You should register your new contracts in the following files:
    • app/Main.hs: the entrance of the Haskell program. Follow the existing code to register your new contracts.
    • bitmlx.cabal:
      • Find the section of executable bitmlx-exe.
      • Add your contracts in other-modules.